
I'm giving Vixen a try by following the instructions in

Debian jessie, xen 4.8.1 packages from jessie-backports with XSAs

I finally got a guest booted although its networking doesn't work.
Every time I've started a guest and had it crash it's left behind a
domain called "(null)" and a matching qemu process so I assume
that's the device model. I thought that was just because the guest
was failing to start.

Now that I have one which boots, even when I shut it down cleanly
there's still a domain left behind:

$ sudo xl list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  2048     2     r-----  104114.0
(null)                                      17     1     2     --ps-d      14.2
$ ps awux | grep qemu
root      3310  1.2  1.2 430648 24676 ?        SLl  22:48   0:06 
/usr/local/lib/xen/bin/qemu-system-i386 -xen-domid 17 -chardev 
socket,id=libxl-cmd,path=/var/run/xen/qmp-libxl-17,server,nowait -no-shutdown 
-mon chardev=libxl-cmd,mode=control -chardev 
socket,id=libxenstat-cmd,path=/var/run/xen/qmp-libxenstat-17,server,nowait -mon 
chardev=libxenstat-cmd,mode=control -nodefaults -no-user-config -name debtest1 
-display none -serial pty -boot order=c -smp 2,maxcpus=2 -netdev 
type=tap,id=net0,ifname=vif17.0-emu,script=no,downscript=no -machine xenfv 
-cdrom /var/lib/xen/pvshim-sidecars/debtest1.iso -m 2552

If I kill the qemu process then the domain does away.

Is this expected? It doesn't seem workable if so.


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