It is unused, and uses an obsolete hypercall which has never ever functioned
for HVM guests.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <>
CC: Ian Jackson <>
CC: Wei Liu <>
CC: Christian Lindig <>
 tools/ocaml/libs/xc/      | 86 -------------------------------------
 tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli     | 16 -------
 tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl_stubs.c | 41 ------------------
 3 files changed, 143 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/
index 9116aa2..a3ba488 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/
@@ -126,14 +126,6 @@ exception Error of string
 type handle
-(* this is only use by coredumping *)
-external sizeof_core_header: unit -> int
-       = "stub_sizeof_core_header"
-external sizeof_vcpu_guest_context: unit -> int
-       = "stub_sizeof_vcpu_guest_context"
-external sizeof_xen_pfn: unit -> int = "stub_sizeof_xen_pfn"
-(* end of use *)
 external interface_open: unit -> handle = "stub_xc_interface_open"
 external interface_close: handle -> unit = "stub_xc_interface_close"
@@ -275,84 +267,6 @@ external get_cpu_featureset : handle -> featureset_index 
-> int64 array = "stub_
 external watchdog : handle -> int -> int32 -> int
   = "stub_xc_watchdog"
-(* core dump structure *)
-type core_magic = Magic_hvm | Magic_pv
-type core_header = {
-       xch_magic: core_magic;
-       xch_nr_vcpus: int;
-       xch_nr_pages: nativeint;
-       xch_index_offset: int64;
-       xch_ctxt_offset: int64;
-       xch_pages_offset: int64;
-external marshall_core_header: core_header -> string = 
-(* coredump *)
-let coredump xch domid fd =
-       let dump s =
-               let wd = Unix.write fd s 0 (String.length s) in
-               if wd <> String.length s then
-                       failwith "error while writing";
-               in
-       let info = domain_getinfo xch domid in
-       let nrpages = info.total_memory_pages in
-       let ctxt = Array.make info.max_vcpu_id None in
-       let nr_vcpus = ref 0 in
-       for i = 0 to info.max_vcpu_id - 1
-       do
-               ctxt.(i) <- try
-                       let v = vcpu_context_get xch domid i in
-                       incr nr_vcpus;
-                       Some v
-                       with _ -> None
-       done;
-       (* FIXME page offset if not rounded to sup *)
-       let page_offset =
-               Int64.add
-                       (Int64.of_int (sizeof_core_header () +
-                        (sizeof_vcpu_guest_context () * !nr_vcpus)))
-                       (Int64.of_nativeint (
-                               Nativeint.mul
-                                       (Nativeint.of_int (sizeof_xen_pfn ()))
-                                       nrpages)
-                               )
-               in
-       let header = {
-               xch_magic = if info.hvm_guest then Magic_hvm else Magic_pv;
-               xch_nr_vcpus = !nr_vcpus;
-               xch_nr_pages = nrpages;
-               xch_ctxt_offset = Int64.of_int (sizeof_core_header ());
-               xch_index_offset = Int64.of_int (sizeof_core_header ()
-                                       + sizeof_vcpu_guest_context ());
-               xch_pages_offset = page_offset;
-       } in
-       dump (marshall_core_header header);
-       for i = 0 to info.max_vcpu_id - 1
-       do
-               match ctxt.(i) with
-               | None -> ()
-               | Some ctxt_i -> dump ctxt_i
-       done;
-       let pfns = domain_get_pfn_list xch domid nrpages in
-       if Array.length pfns <> Nativeint.to_int nrpages then
-               failwith "could not get the page frame list";
-       let page_size = Xenmmap.getpagesize () in
-       for i = 0 to Nativeint.to_int nrpages - 1
-       do
-               let page = map_foreign_range xch domid page_size pfns.(i) in
-               let data = page 0 page_size in
-               Xenmmap.unmap page;
-               dump data
-       done
 (* ** Misc ** *)
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
index 54c099c..ed02124 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl.mli
@@ -95,10 +95,6 @@ type domain_create_flag = CDF_HVM | CDF_HAP
 exception Error of string
 type handle
-external sizeof_core_header : unit -> int = "stub_sizeof_core_header"
-external sizeof_vcpu_guest_context : unit -> int
-  = "stub_sizeof_vcpu_guest_context"
-external sizeof_xen_pfn : unit -> int = "stub_sizeof_xen_pfn"
 external interface_open : unit -> handle = "stub_xc_interface_open"
 external interface_close : handle -> unit = "stub_xc_interface_close"
 val with_intf : (handle -> 'a) -> 'a
@@ -179,18 +175,6 @@ external version_capabilities : handle -> string
 type featureset_index = Featureset_raw | Featureset_host | Featureset_pv | 
 external get_cpu_featureset : handle -> featureset_index -> int64 array = 
-type core_magic = Magic_hvm | Magic_pv
-type core_header = {
-  xch_magic : core_magic;
-  xch_nr_vcpus : int;
-  xch_nr_pages : nativeint;
-  xch_index_offset : int64;
-  xch_ctxt_offset : int64;
-  xch_pages_offset : int64;
-external marshall_core_header : core_header -> string
-  = "stub_marshall_core_header"
-val coredump : handle -> domid -> Unix.file_descr -> unit
 external pages_to_kib : int64 -> int64 = "stub_pages_to_kib"
 val pages_to_mib : int64 -> int64
 external watchdog : handle -> int -> int32 -> int
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl_stubs.c 
index dd6000c..d1801e1 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl_stubs.c
+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xc/xenctrl_stubs.c
@@ -72,47 +72,6 @@ static void Noreturn failwith_xc(xc_interface *xch)
        caml_raise_with_string(*caml_named_value("xc.error"), error_str);
-CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_core_header(value unit)
-       CAMLparam1(unit);
-       CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(struct xc_core_header)));
-CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_vcpu_guest_context(value unit)
-       CAMLparam1(unit);
-       CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(struct vcpu_guest_context)));
-CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_xen_pfn(value unit)
-       CAMLparam1(unit);
-       CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(xen_pfn_t)));
-#define XC_CORE_MAGIC     0xF00FEBED
-CAMLprim value stub_marshall_core_header(value header)
-       CAMLparam1(header);
-       CAMLlocal1(s);
-       struct xc_core_header c_header;
-       c_header.xch_magic = (Field(header, 0))
-               ? XC_CORE_MAGIC
-               : XC_CORE_MAGIC_HVM;
-       c_header.xch_nr_vcpus = Int_val(Field(header, 1));
-       c_header.xch_nr_pages = Nativeint_val(Field(header, 2));
-       c_header.xch_ctxt_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 3));
-       c_header.xch_index_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 4));
-       c_header.xch_pages_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 5));
-       s = caml_alloc_string(sizeof(c_header));
-       memcpy(String_val(s), (char *) &c_header, sizeof(c_header));
-       CAMLreturn(s);
 CAMLprim value stub_xc_interface_open(void)

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