On 3/21/2018 2:40 AM, Juergen Gross wrote:
On 21/03/18 10:28, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 09:48:56AM -0700, Maran Wilson wrote:
   * C representation of the x86/HVM start info layout.
   * The canonical definition of this layout is above, this is just a way to
@@ -86,6 +134,14 @@ struct hvm_start_info {
      uint64_t cmdline_paddr;     /* Physical address of the command line.     
      uint64_t rsdp_paddr;        /* Physical address of the RSDP ACPI data    
                                  /* structure.                                
+    uint64_t memmap_paddr;      /* Physical address of an array of           */
+                                /* hvm_memmap_table_entry. Only present in   */
+                                /* version 1 and newer of the structure      */
+    uint32_t memmap_entries;    /* Number of entries in the memmap table.    */
+                                /* Only present in version 1 and newer of    */
+                                /* the structure. Value will be zero if      */
+                                /* there is no memory map being provided.    */
+    uint32_t reserved;          /* Must be zero for Version 1.               */
I would write "Must be zero." only. If at some point we introduce
version 2 we would likely have to fixup this comment to mention
version 1 and version 2.
In case you are going this route I'd suggest to drop the version remarks
for the individual fields and just add a comment like:

/* All following fields only present in version 1 and newer. */

above memmap_paddr.

OK, so combining the above suggestions, I'd have the following. Is the formatting and alignment of comments what you had in mind and acceptable to all?

struct hvm_start_info {
    uint32_t magic;             /* Contains the magic value 0x336ec578       */                                 /* ("xEn3" with the 0x80 bit of the "E" set).*/     uint32_t version;           /* Version of this structure.                */     uint32_t flags;             /* SIF_xxx flags.                            */     uint32_t nr_modules;        /* Number of modules passed to the kernel.   */     uint64_t modlist_paddr;     /* Physical address of an array of           */                                 /* hvm_modlist_entry.                        */     uint64_t cmdline_paddr;     /* Physical address of the command line.     */     uint64_t rsdp_paddr;        /* Physical address of the RSDP ACPI data    */                                 /* structure.                                */
    /* All following fields only present in version 1 and newer */
    uint64_t memmap_paddr;      /* Physical address of an array of           */                                 /* hvm_memmap_table_entry.                   */     uint32_t memmap_entries;    /* Number of entries in the memmap table.    */                                 /* Value will be zero if there is no memory  */                                 /* map being provided.                       */     uint32_t reserved;          /* Must be zero.                             */


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