On 11/05/2022 17:01, Bertrand Marquis wrote:

On 11 May 2022, at 16:47, Julien Grall <jul...@xen.org> wrote:

Hi Bertrand,

On 11/05/2022 16:40, Bertrand Marquis wrote:
On 11 May 2022, at 16:20, Julien Grall <jul...@xen.org> wrote:
Technically, speaking you only copied the code from Linux and therefore you are 
not the author of some of the changes.

For such case, our general process is:
Could you tell me where this process is described ?

The closest description I could find is:


This state to give the origin which I can easily do for my patch.
But it does not state that we need to list all the authors from all changes in 
the origin.
Hmmmm.... I guess we are reading the following statement differently:

All tags **above** the `Origin:` tag are from the original patch (which
should all be kept), while tags **after** `Origin:` are related to the
normal Xen patch process as described here.

Are you only requesting to modify my patch to add one origin line with the SHA 
or to actually list all authors of all patches for all changes between the 
previous state in Xen and the state after my patch ?

1) Backport the commit as-is (i.e the Author is the original Author)
2) Add the tag Origin (recently introduced)
3) Add your signed-off-by
So following this theory, if we import a file from Linux we should list all the 
people who contributed to it since it was created ?

Technically yes.

But this does not apply here as I am not back porting a patch but syncing a 

I am not sure why you want to differentiate the two. In the latter it is actually easy to find the authors (you are syncing after all!):

  git log lastbaseline...newbaseline myfile.c

The result could be pasted in the commit message. As the code is meant to follow Linux, then all the commits in the list should be valid for Xen.


Julien Grall

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