Hi Stefano,


I used xen-guest-image-minimal(simple console based image) as a guest with
fbcon & fbdev enabled in kernel configurations but still the same error
can't open the display.
below are the outcome of "xenstore-ls":

*root@raspberrypi4-64:~/guest1# xenstore-lstool = "" xenstored = ""local =
"" domain = ""  0 = ""   control = ""    feature-poweroff = "1"
feature-reboot = "1"   domid = "0"   name = "Domain-0"   device-model = ""
  0 = ""     backends = ""      console = ""      vkbd = ""      vfb = ""
    qnic = ""     state = "running"    1 = ""     backends = ""
console = ""      vkbd = ""      vfb = ""      qnic = ""     state =
"running"   backend = ""    vbd = ""     1 = ""      51712 = ""
 frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51712"       params =
 script = "/etc/xen/scripts/block"       frontend-id = "1"       online =
"1"       removable = "0"       bootable = "1"       state = "4"       dev
= "xvda"       type = "phy"       mode = "w"       device-type = "disk"
   discard-enable = "1"       feature-max-indirect-segments = "256"
 multi-queue-max-queues = "4"       max-ring-page-order = "4"       node =
"/dev/loop0"       physical-device = "7:0"       physical-device-path =
"/dev/loop0"       hotplug-status = "connected"       feature-flush-cache =
"1"       discard-granularity = "4096"       discard-alignment = "0"
 discard-secure = "0"       feature-discard = "1"       feature-barrier =
"1"       feature-persistent = "1"       sectors = "1794048"       info =
"0"       sector-size = "512"       physical-sector-size = "512"    vfb =
""     1 = ""      0 = ""       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vfb/0"
     frontend-id = "1"       online = "1"       state = "4"       vnc =
"1"       vnclisten = ""       vncdisplay = "0"       vncunused =
"1"       sdl = "0"       opengl = "0"       feature-resize = "1"
 hotplug-status = "connected"       request-update = "1"    vkbd = ""     1
= ""      0 = ""       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vkbd/0"
 frontend-id = "1"       online = "1"       state = "4"
 feature-abs-pointer = "1"       feature-raw-pointer = "1"
 hotplug-status = "connected"    console = ""     1 = ""      0 = ""
 frontend = "/local/domain/1/console"       frontend-id = "1"       online
= "1"       state = "1"       protocol = "vt100"    vif = ""     1 = ""
  0 = ""       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/0"       frontend-id
= "1"       online = "1"       state = "4"       script =
"/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge"       mac = "e4:5f:01:cd:7b:dd"       bridge
= "xenbr0"       handle = "0"       type = "vif"       hotplug-status =
"connected"       feature-sg = "1"       feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
 feature-gso-tcpv6 = "1"       feature-ipv6-csum-offload = "1"
 feature-rx-copy = "1"       feature-xdp-headroom = "1"
 feature-rx-flip = "0"       feature-multicast-control = "1"
 feature-dynamic-multicast-control = "1"       feature-split-event-channels
= "1"       multi-queue-max-queues = "4"       feature-ctrl-ring = "1"  1 =
""   vm = "/vm/d81ec5a9-5bf9-4f2b-89e8-0f60d6da948f"   name = "guest2"
 cpu = ""    0 = ""     availability = "online"    1 = ""     availability
= "online"   memory = ""    static-max = "2097152"    target = "2097152"
videoram = "0"   device = ""    suspend = ""     event-channel = ""    vbd
= ""     51712 = ""      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51712"
  backend-id = "0"      state = "4"      virtual-device = "51712"
device-type = "disk"      multi-queue-num-queues = "2"      queue-0 = ""
   ring-ref = "8"       event-channel = "4"      queue-1 = ""
 ring-ref = "9"       event-channel = "5"      protocol = "arm-abi"
feature-persistent = "1"    vfb = ""     0 = ""      backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vfb/1/0"      backend-id = "0"      state = "4"
  page-ref = "275022"      event-channel = "3"      protocol = "arm-abi"
  feature-update = "1"    vkbd = ""     0 = ""      backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/1/0"      backend-id = "0"      state = "4"
    request-abs-pointer = "1"      page-ref = "275322"      page-gref =
"1284"      event-channel = "10"    vif = ""     0 = ""      backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0"      backend-id = "0"      state = "4"
  handle = "0"      mac = "e4:5f:01:cd:7b:dd"      mtu = "1500"
xdp-headroom = "0"      multi-queue-num-queues = "2"      queue-0 = ""
 tx-ring-ref = "1280"       rx-ring-ref = "1281"       event-channel-tx =
"6"       event-channel-rx = "7"      queue-1 = ""       tx-ring-ref =
"1282"       rx-ring-ref = "1283"       event-channel-tx = "8"
 event-channel-rx = "9"      request-rx-copy = "1"      feature-rx-notify =
"1"      feature-sg = "1"      feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
feature-gso-tcpv6 = "1"      feature-ipv6-csum-offload = "1"   control =
""    shutdown = ""    feature-poweroff = "1"    feature-reboot = "1"
feature-suspend = ""    sysrq = ""
platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend = "1"
platform-feature-xs_reset_watches = "1"   data = ""   drivers = ""
 feature = ""   attr = ""   error = ""   domid = "1"   store = ""    port =
"1"    ring-ref = "233473"   console = ""    backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/console/1/0"    backend-id = "0"    limit =
"1048576"    type = "xenconsoled"    output = "pty"    tty = "/dev/pts/1"
  port = "2"    ring-ref = "233472"    vnc-listen = ""    vnc-port
= "5900"   image = ""    device-model-pid = "788"vm =
"" d81ec5a9-5bf9-4f2b-89e8-0f60d6da948f = ""  name = "guest2"  uuid =
"d81ec5a9-5bf9-4f2b-89e8-0f60d6da948f"  start_time = "1520600274.27"libxl =
"" 1 = ""  device = ""   vbd = ""    51712 = ""     frontend =
"/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51712"     backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51712"     params =
"/home/root/guest2/xen-guest-image-minimal-raspberrypi4-64.ext3"     script
= "/etc/xen/scripts/block"     frontend-id = "1"     online = "1"
 removable = "0"     bootable = "1"     state = "1"     dev = "xvda"
 type = "phy"     mode = "w"     device-type = "disk"     discard-enable =
"1"   vfb = ""    0 = ""     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vfb/0"
 backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vfb/1/0"     frontend-id = "1"
 online = "1"     state = "1"     vnc = "1"     vnclisten = ""
 vncdisplay = "0"     vncunused = "1"     sdl = "0"     opengl = "0"   vkbd
= ""    0 = ""     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vkbd/0"     backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/1/0"     frontend-id = "1"     online = "1"
   state = "1"   console = ""    0 = ""     frontend =
"/local/domain/1/console"     backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/console/1/0"     frontend-id = "1"     online =
"1"     state = "1"     protocol = "vt100"   vif = ""    0 = ""
 frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/0"     backend =
"/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0"     frontend-id = "1"     online = "1"
 state = "1"     script = "/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge"     mac =
"e4:5f:01:cd:7b:dd"     bridge = "xenbr0"     handle = "0"     type =
"vif"     hotplug-status = ""  type = "pvh"  dm-version =

Any input as per above? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Vipul Kumar

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 5:21 AM Stefano Stabellini <sstabell...@kernel.org>

> Hi Vipul,
> If you look at the QEMU logs, it says:
> VNC server running on
> That is the VNC server you need to connect to. So in theory:
>   vncviewer
> should work correctly.
> If you have:
>   vfb = ["type=vnc"]
> in your xl config file and you have "fbdev" in your Linux guest, it
> should work.
> If you connect to the VNC server but you get a black screen, it might be
> a guest configuration issue. I would try with a simpler guest, text only
> (no X11, no Wayland) and enable the fbdev console (fbcon). See
> Documentation/fb/fbcon.rst in Linux. You should be able to see a
> graphical console over VNC.
> If that works, then you know that the fbdev kernel driver (xen-fbfront)
> works correctly.
> If it doesn't work, the output of "xenstore-ls" would be interesting.
> Cheers,
> Stefano
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2022, Vipul Suneja wrote:
> > Hi Stefano,
> >
> > Thanks for the response!
> >
> > I am following the same link you shared from the beginning. Tried the
> command "vncviewer localhost:0" in DOM0 but same issue "Can't open
> > display", below are the logs:
> >
> > root@raspberrypi4-64:~# vncviewer localhost:0
> >
> > TigerVNC Viewer 64-bit v1.11.0
> > Built on: 2020-09-08 12:16
> > Copyright (C) 1999-2020 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
> > See https://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
> > Can't open display:
> >
> > Below are the netstat logs, i couldn't see anything running at port 5900
> or 5901:
> >
> > root@raspberrypi4-64:~# netstat -tuwx
> > Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
> > Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> State
> > tcp        0    164
> > Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
> > Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
> > unix  8      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      10565 /dev/log
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10891
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13791
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10843
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10573
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      14510
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13249
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      13887
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      10599
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      14005
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13258
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13248
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      14003
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10572
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10786
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      13186
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10864
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10812
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      14083
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10813
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      14068
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13256
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10571
> /var/run/xenstored/socket
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      10842
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13985
> > unix  3      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      13185
> > unix  2      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      13884
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      14528
> > unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM      CONNECTED      13785
> > unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED      14034
> >
> > Attaching xen log files of /var/log/xen.
> > I didn't get the role of QEMU here because as mentioned earlier, I am
> porting in raspberrypi 4B.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Vipul Kumar
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 12:43 AM Stefano Stabellini <
> sstabell...@kernel.org> wrote:
> >       It usually works the way it is described in the guide:
> >
> >
> https://www.virtuatopia.com/index.php?title=Configuring_a_VNC_based_Graphical_Console_for_a_Xen_Paravirtualized_domainU_Guest
> >
> >       You don't need to install any VNC-related server software because
> it is
> >       already provided by Xen (to be precise it is provided by QEMU
> working
> >       together with Xen.)
> >
> >       You only need the vnc client in dom0 so that you can connect, but
> you
> >       could also run the vnc client outside from another host. So
> basically
> >       the following should work when executed in Dom0 after creating
> DomU:
> >
> >         vncviewer localhost:0
> >
> >       Can you attach the Xen and QEMU logs (/var/log/xen/*)? And also use
> >       netstat -taunp to check if there is anything running at port 5900
> or
> >       5901?
> >
> >       Cheers,
> >
> >       Stefano
> >
> >
> >       On Tue, 18 Oct 2022, Vipul Suneja wrote:
> >       > Hi Stefano,
> >       >
> >       > Thanks for the response!
> >       >
> >       > I could install tigerVNC, x11vnc & libvncserver in Dom0
> xen-image-minimal but only manage to install libvncserver(couldn't
> >       install tigervnc
> >       > & x11vnc because of x11
> >       > support missing, it's wayland) in DOMU custom graphical image. I
> tried running vncviewer with IP address & port in dom0 to
> >       access the domu
> >       > graphical image display as per below commands.
> >       >
> >       >  vncviewer
> >       >
> >       >  But it showing can't open display, below are the logs:
> >       >
> >       > root@raspberrypi4-64:~/guest1# vncviewer
> >       >
> >       > TigerVNC Viewer 64-bit v1.11.0
> >       > Built on: 2020-09-08 12:16
> >       > Copyright (C) 1999-2020 TigerVNC Team and many others (see
> README.rst)
> >       > See https://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.
> >       > Can't open display:
> >       > root@raspberrypi4-64:~/guest1#
> >       >
> >       > I am not exactly sure what the issue is but I thought only
> libvncserver in DOMU could work to get access but it did not
> >       work.
> >       > If TigerVNC is the issue here then is there any other VNC source
> which could be installed for both x11 & wayland supported
> >       images?
> >       >
> >       > Regards,
> >       > Vipul Kumar
> >       >
> >       > On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 2:40 AM Stefano Stabellini <
> sstabell...@kernel.org> wrote:
> >       >       VNC is typically easier to setup, because SDL needs extra
> libraries at
> >       >       build time and runtime. If QEMU is built without SDL
> support it won't
> >       >       start when you ask for SDL.
> >       >
> >       >       VNC should work with both x11 and wayland in your domU. It
> doesn't work
> >       >       at the x11 level, it exposes a special fbdev device in
> your domU that
> >       >       should work with:
> >       >       - a graphical console in Linux domU
> >       >       - x11
> >       >       - wayland (but I haven't tested this so I am not 100% sure
> about it)
> >       >
> >       >       When you say "it doesn't work", what do you mean? Do you
> get a black
> >       >       window?
> >       >
> >       >       You need CONFIG_XEN_FBDEV_FRONTEND in Linux domU
> >       >       (drivers/video/fbdev/xen-fbfront.c). I would try to get a
> graphical text
> >       >       console up and running in your domU before attempting
> x11/wayland.
> >       >
> >       >       Cheers,
> >       >
> >       >       Stefano
> >       >
> >       >       On Mon, 17 Oct 2022, Vipul Suneja wrote:
> >       >       > Hi,
> >       >       > Thanks!
> >       >       >
> >       >       > I have ported xen minimal image as DOM0 & custom wayland
> GUI based image as DOMU in raspberry pi4B. I am trying to
> >       make GUI
> >       >       display up
> >       >       > for guest machine. I tried using sdl, included below
> line in guest.conf file
> >       >       > vfb= [ 'sdl=1' ]
> >       >       >
> >       >       > But it is throwing below error:
> >       >       >
> >       >       > root@raspberrypi4-64:~/guest1# xl create -c guest1.cfg
> >       >       > Parsing config from guest1.cfg
> >       >       > libxl: error: libxl_qmp.c:1400:qmp_ev_fd_callback:
> Domain 3:error on QMP socket: Connection reset by peer
> >       >       > libxl: error: libxl_qmp.c:1439:qmp_ev_fd_callback:
> Domain 3:Error happened with the QMP connection to QEMU
> >       >       > libxl: error:
> libxl_dm.c:3351:device_model_postconfig_done: Domain 3:Post DM startup
> configs failed, rc=-26
> >       >       > libxl: error:
> libxl_create.c:1867:domcreate_devmodel_started: Domain 3:device model did
> not start: -26
> >       >       > libxl: error: libxl_aoutils.c:646:libxl__kill_xs_path:
> Device Model already exited
> >       >       > libxl: error: libxl_domain.c:1183:libxl__destroy_domid:
> Domain 3:Non-existant domain
> >       >       > libxl: error:
> libxl_domain.c:1137:domain_destroy_callback: Domain 3:Unable to destroy
> guest
> >       >       > libxl: error: libxl_domain.c:1064:domain_destroy_cb:
> Domain 3:Destruction of domain failed
> >       >       >
> >       >       > Another way is VNC, i could install tigervnc in DOM0 but
> same i couldn't in guest machine because it doesn't support
> >       >       x11(supports wayland
> >       >       > only). I am completely blocked here, Need your support
> to enable the display up.
> >       >       > Any alternative of VNC which could work in both x11 &
> wayland supported images?
> >       >       >
> >       >       > Any input on VNC, SDL or any other way to proceed on
> this? Looking forward to hearing from you.
> >       >       >
> >       >       > Regards,
> >       >       > Vipul Kumar
> >       >
> >       >
> >       >
> >
> >
> >

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