On 24.02.2023 08:49, Xenia Ragiadakou wrote:
> On 2/23/23 12:47, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> One file wide remark: I assume you've put things here in the order they
>> were in originally. I think it would be nice if some re-arrangement was
>> done, e.g. all structures first (unless there's a reason speaking
>> against doing so, and of course not including any which are local to
>> specific inline functions), then all variable decalarations, all function
>> delarations, and finally all inline functions.
> Yes I put everything as it was. Thanks for the review I will address all 
> your comments above in v3.
> I have a question regarding the rearrangement, where are the definitions 
> placed (if there is not a semantic relation with some other part)?

If there really are any which aren't associated with other items (struct
fields first of all), then I'd say near the top. But I'm less concerned
there; putting struct-s ahead of function decls is mainly because the
latter may use (some of) the former. Similarly var decls before or after
func ones is pretty benign (sometimes it may even be more logical to
intermix them to keep related things together).

One other general request: Please trim replies. I had to scroll through
the entire 500-line mail just to find a single remark at the end, which
clearly didn't require all the context to be kept.


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