On 19.01.2024 16:25, Anthony PERARD wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 09:43:30AM +0100, Michal Orzel wrote:
>> Is my understanding correct that by switching from extra-y to targets we are 
>> preventing these objects to
>> appear in non-init-objects (and thus having COV_FLAGS appended) while 
>> retaining the proper if_changed behavior?
>> According to docs/misc/xen-makefiles/makefiles.rst:
>> Any target that utilises if_changed must be listed in $(targets),
>> otherwise the command line check will fail, and the target will
>> always be built.
> Indeed, and $(extra-y) is added to $(targets) via
> $(targets-for-builtin).
> While switching from $(extra-y) to $(targets) prevents the objects from
> been added to $(non-init-objets), it doesn't matter because "libelf.o"
> is in that variable, so $(COV_FLAGS) is added to $(_c_flags) and its
> value is used in all the prerequisites of "libelf.o" which includes
> "libelf-temp.o" and for example "libelf-dominfo.o". So the only thing
> preventing $(COV_FLAGS) from been added when building "libelf-tools.o"
> for example is that we set `COV_FLAGS:=` for "libelf.o".

Yet doesn't that (again) mean things should actually work as-is, yet
Michal is observing this not being the case?


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