Hi Jason,
On 2024-05-17 03:19, Jason Andryuk wrote:
On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 6:56 AM Leigh Brown <le...@solinno.co.uk>
Update add_to_bridge shell function to read the vlan parameter from
xenstore and set the bridge VLAN configuration for the VID.
Add additional helper functions to parse the vlan specification,
which consists of one or more of the following:
a) single VLAN (e.g. 10).
b) contiguous range of VLANs (e.g. 10-15).
c) discontiguous range with base, increment and count
(e.g. 100+10x9 which gives VLAN IDs 100, 110, ... 190).
A single VLAN can be suffixed with "p" to indicate the PVID, or
"u" to indicate untagged. A range of VLANs can be suffixed with
"u" to indicate untagged. A complex example would be:
This capability requires the iproute2 bridge command to be
installed. An error will be generated if the vlan parameter is
set and the bridge command is not available.
Signed-off-by: Leigh Brown <le...@solinno.co.uk>
tools/hotplug/Linux/xen-network-common.sh | 103
1 file changed, 103 insertions(+)
diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/xen-network-common.sh
index 42fa704e8d..fa7615ce0f 100644
--- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/xen-network-common.sh
+++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/xen-network-common.sh
+_vif_vlan_setup() {
+ # References vlans and dev variable from the calling function
+ local vid cmd
+ bridge vlan del dev "$dev" vid 1
Is vid 1 always added, so you need to remove it before customizing?
Correct. I will add a comment to that effect.
+ for vid in ${!vlans[@]} ;do
+ cmd="bridge vlan add dev '$dev' vid $vid"
+ case ${vlans[$vid]} in
+ p) cmd="$cmd pvid untagged" ;;
+ u) cmd="$cmd untagged" ;;
+ t) ;;
+ esac
+ eval "$cmd"
Sorry if I missed this last time, but `eval` shouldn't be necessary.
local args
case ${vlans[$vid]} in
p) args="pvid untagged" ;;
u) args="untagged" ;;
t) ;;
bridge vlan add dev "$dev" vid "$vid" $args
args unquoted so it expands into maybe two args. You could also make
args an array and do "${args[@]}"
I will make that change, using an array.
+ done
+_vif_vlan_membership() {
+ # The vlans, pvid and dev variables are used by sub-functions
+ local -A vlans=()
+ local -a terms=()
+ local -i i pvid=0
+ local dev=$1
+ # Split the vlan specification string into its terms
+ readarray -d / -t terms <<<$2
+ for (( i=0; i<${#terms[@]}; ++i )) ;do
+ _vif_vlan_parse_term ${terms[$i]%%[[:space:]]}
Because terms is not in double quotes, wouldn't it expand out? Then
any whitespace would be dropped when calling _vif_vlan_parse_term.
Your %% only drops trailing spaces too. Maybe you want
"${terms//[[:space:]]/}" to remove all spaces?
That is a hack because readarray adds a newline at the end of the
last element (not sure why). I will change the code just to fix up
the last element before the loop, and it will be clearer.
Stylistically, you use (( )) more than I would. I'd do:
local term
for term in "${terms[@]}" ; do
_vif_vlan_parse_term "$term"
But you can keep it your way if you prefer.
You guessed correctly that like using (( )) but in this case your
suggestion is simpler, so I will make that change.
I am making the changes then will test, after which I will send an
updated version.