Hello Xen Community, Day 2 design sessions will be locked end of today, so get voting! <https://design-sessions.xenproject.org/> Day 3 design sessions are still open, and will be finalized 3 June 2024 after 5pm Lisbon Time.
*The verification code is 'LFXEN24'. * The final schedule will be allocated and arranged by the highest-voted sessions. Virtual links for the community to join Xen Summit design sessions will be shared next week. For in-person tickets, click here <https://events.linuxfoundation.org/xen-project-summit/register/>. ------------------------------ We look forward to holding the Design Sessions at the upcoming Xen Project Summit. The design sessions will be on Wednesday, 5 June, and Thursday, 6 June 2024. We encourage everyone to submit a Design Session, the verification code is: “*LFXEN24*”. *SUBMIT A DESIGN SESSION* <https://design-sessions.xenproject.org/> The process involves the following steps: - Anyone interested can propose <https://design-sessions.xenproject.org/discussion/new> a topic. - All participants review the list of sessions <https://design-sessions.xenproject.org/list/discussion>, indicating their interest in attending each one. - The session scheduler optimizes the schedule <https://design-sessions.xenproject.org/schedule> to accommodate as many preferences as possible. Participants can also propose long-form talks by adding [TALK] to the session title. For suggested topics, sample Design Session submissions, and more tips check out the Xen Design Session page <https://events.linuxfoundation.org/xen-project-summit/program/design-sessions/> for more information. Best Regards, Xen Project Events Team Many thanks, Kelly Choi Community Manager Xen Project