> On Jan 14, 2019, at 06:32, Roger Pau Monné <roy...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 9:32 AM Christopher Clark
> <christopher.w.cl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've written a document about the locking to add to the tree with the
>> series, and a copy is at github here:
>> https://github.com/dozylynx/xen/blob/0cb95385eba696ecf4856075a524c5e528e60455/docs/misc/argo-locking.md
> Thanks. It would have been better to send the contents of the document
> to the list, so inline comments can be added. It's hard to comment on
> the document now since it's only on github AFAICT.

Here's an inline copy of the doc:

=== begin document ===

# Argo: Locking

## Introduction

Argo is an interdomain communication mechanism. It has requirements for 
performance isolation between domains, to prevent negative performance impact 
from malicious or disruptive activity of other domains, or even other vcpus of 
the same domain operating other rings.

Since Argo operates a data path between domains, sections of this code are 
*hot* when the communication paths are in use. To encourage high performance, a 
goal is to limit mutual exclusion to only where required and enable significant 

Avoidance of deadlock is essential and since state must frequently be updated 
that pertains to more than one domain, a locking protocol defines which locks 
are needed and the order of their acquistion.

## Structure

The granular locking structure of Argo enables:

1. Performance isolation of guests
2. Avoidance of DoS of rings by domains that are not authorized to send to them
3. Deadlock-free teardown of state across multiple domains on domain destroy
4. Performance of guests using Argo with concurrent operation of rings.

Argo uses three per-domain locks to protect three separate data structures.  
Access to the ring_hash data structure is confined to domains that a 
ring-registering domain has authorized to send data via the ring.  The complete 
set of Argo locks is:

* Global : `L1_global_argo_rwlock`
* Per-domain: `rings_L2_rwlock`
* Per-domain: `send_L2_lock`
* Per-domain: `wildcard_L2_lock`
* Per-ring: `L3_lock`

## Protected State

The data structures being protected by the locks are all per-domain. The only 
global Argo state is the `L1_global_argo_rwlock` used to coordinate access to 
data structures of other domains.

### State: Rings registered and owned by a domain

This includes the state to run that ring, such as memory frame numbers and 
established mappings. Per-ring state is protected by its own lock, so that 
multiple VCPUs of the same domain operating different rings do not inhibit the 
performance of each other.

The per-domain ring state also includes the list of pending notifications for 
other domains that are waiting for ring space availability.

### State: Partner rings registered by other domains that this domain is the 
single allowed sender

This state belonging to the permitted sender is written to when a ring is 
registered by another domain. The lock that protects this state is subject to 
locking at arbitrary frequency by those foreign domains when registering rings 
-- which do not need any permission granted by this domain in order to register 
a ring to communicate with it --  so it must not inhibit the domain's own 
ability to use its own rings, to protect them from DoS. For this reason, this 
state is protected by its own lock.

### State: Pending notifications to this domain about wildcard rings registered 
by other domains

This data structure is needed when a domain is destroyed, to cancel the 
outstanding space availability notifications about the wildcard rings of other 
domains that this domain has queried.

Data is entered into this data structure by the domain that owns it, either by 
a space-inhibited sendv or a notify operation.

Data is removed from this data structure in one of three cases: when space 
becomes available in the destination ring and the notification is sent, when 
the ring is torn down, or when the awaiting domain is destroyed.

In the case where a notification is sent, access to the data structure is 
triggered by the ring owner domain, rather than the domain waiting for 
notification. This data structure is protected by its own lock since doing so 
entails less contention than the alternative of reusing an existing lock owned 
by the domain.

## Hierarchical Locking Model and Protocol

The locking discipline within the Argo code is heirarchical and utilizes 
reader/writer locks to enable increased concurrency when operations do not 
conflict. None of the Argo locks are reentrant.

The hierarchy:

* There is a global rwlock (`L1`) to protect access to all of the per-domain 
argo data structures. 
* There is a rwlock per-domain (`rings_L2`) to protect the hashtable of the 
per-ring data structures. 
* There is a lock per ring (`L3`) to protect the per-ring data structure, 
`struct argo_ring_info`. 

There are a two other per-domain L2 locks; their operation is similar and they 
are described later.

The protocol to safely acquire write access to the per-ring data structure, 
`struct argo_ring_info`, is:

1) Acquire a Read lock on L1.
2) Acquire a Read lock on L2.
3) Acquire L3.

An alternative valid sequence is:

1) Acquire a Read lock on L1.
2) Acquire a Write lock on L2.

This second sequence grants write access to _all_ of the `argo_ring_info` 
structs belonging to the domain, but at the expense of less concurrency: no 
other operation can access those structs while the locks are held, which will 
inhibit operations on those rings until the locks are released.

Another alternative valid sequence is:

1) Acquire a Write lock on L1.

This grants write access to _all_ of the `argo_ring_info` structs belonging to 
_all domains_, but again at the expense of far less concurrency: no other 
operation can operate on Argo rings until the locks are released.

## Lock Definitions

The full set of locks that are directly operated upon by the Argo code are 
described in the following section.

### The global singleton lock:

* `L1_global_argo_rwlock`

The rationale for having a global lock is to be able to enforce system-wide 
exclusion for a critical region and simplify the logic required to avoid 
deadlock, for teardown of state across multiple domains when a domain is 

The majority of operations take a read-lock on this lock, allowing concurrent 
Argo operations by many domains.

The pointer d->argo on every domain is protected by this lock. A set of more 
granular per-domain locks could be used to do that, but since domain start and 
stop is expected to be a far less frequent operation than the other argo 
operations, acquiring a single read lock to enable access to all the argo 
structs of all domains simplifies the protocol.

Points of write-locking on this lock:

* `argo_destroy`, where:
  * All of the domain's own rings are destroyed.
      * All of the notifications pending for other domains are cancelled.
   * All of the unicast partner rings owned by other domains for this domain to 
send to, are destroyed.
      * All of the notifications pending on those rings are cancelled.
   * All of the notifications pending for this domain on wildcard rings owned 
by other domains are cancelled.
* `argo_soft_reset`, for similar teardown operations as argo_destroy.
* `argo_init`, where the `d->argo` pointer is first populated.
  * Since the write lock is taken here, there is serialization all concurrent 
Argo operations around this single pointer write; this is the cost of using the 
simpler one global lock approach.

Enforcing that the write_lock is acquired on `L1_global_argo_rwlock` before 
executing teardown, ensures that no teardown operations act concurrently and no 
other Argo operations happen concurrently with a teardown. The teardown logic 
is free to safely modify the Argo state across all domains without having to 
acquire per-domain locks and deadlock cannot occur.

### Per-Domain: Ring hash lock


Protects: the per-domain ring hash table of `argo_ring_info` structs.

Holding a read lock on `rings_L2` protects the ring hash table and the elements 
in the hash table `d->argo->ring_hash`, and the `node` and `id` fields in 
struct `argo_ring_info` in the hash table.

Holding a write lock on `rings_L2` protects all of the elements of all the 
struct `argo_ring_info` belonging to this domain.

To take `rings_L2` you must already have `R(L1)`. `W(L1)` implies `W(rings_L2)` 
and `L3`.


* `R(L1_global_argo_rwlock)` must be acquired before taking either read or 
write on `rings_L2_rwlock`.
* `W(L1_global_argo_rwlock)` implies `W(rings_L2_rwlock)`, so if 
`W(L1_global_argo_rwlock)` is held, then `rings_L2_rwlock` does not need to be 
acquired, and all the data structures that `rings_L2_rwlock` protects can be 
accessed as if `W(ring_L2_rwlock)` was held.

Is accessed by the hypervisor on behalf of:

* The domain that registered the ring.
* Any domain that is allowed to send to the ring -- so that's the partner 
domain, for unicast rings, or any domain, for wildcard rings.

### Send hash lock


Protects: the per-domain send hash table of `argo_send_info` structs.

Is accessed by the hypervisor on behalf of:

* Any domain that registers a ring that specifies the domain as the unicast 
* The domain that has been allowed to send, as part of teardown when the domain 
is being destroyed.

### Wildcard pending list lock


Protects: the per-domain list of pending notifications to the domain from 
wildcard rings owned by other domains.

Is accessed by the hypervisor on behalf of:

* The domain that issued a query to another about space availability in one of 
its wildcard rings - this can be done by attempting a send operation when there 
is insufficient ring space available at the time.
* Any domain that the domain has issued a query to about space availability in 
one of their wildcard rings.

### Per-Ring locks:

* `L3_lock`

This lock protects the members of a `struct ring_info` which is the primary 
state for a domain's own registered ring.

## Reasoning Model

A common model for reasoning about concurrent code focusses on accesses to 
individual variables: if code touches this variable, see that it first acquires 
the corresponding lock and then drops it afterwards. A challenge with this 
model is in ensuring that the sequence of locks acquired within nested 
functions, when operating on data from multiple domains with concurrent 
operations, is safe from deadlock.

An alternative method that is better suited to the Argo software is to consider 
the execution path, the full sequence of locks acquired, accesses performed, 
and locks released, from entering an operation, to the completion of the work.

An example code path for an operation:

`[entry] > -- [ take R(L1) ] -- [ take R(L2) ] -- loop [ take a L3 / drop L3 ] 
--  [ drop R(L2) ] -- [ drop R(L1)] -- > [exit]`

If a function implements a section of the path, it is important to know not 
only what variables the function itself operates upon, but also the locking 
state that will already have been established at the point when the function is 
invoked, since this will affect what data the function can access. For this 
reason, comments in the code, or ASSERTs that explicitly check lock state, 
communicate what the locking state is expected and intended to be when that 
code is invoked. See the macros defined to support this for Argo later in this 

## Macros to Validate and Document Lock State

These macros encode the logic to verify that the locking has adhered to the 
locking discipline.

eg. On entry to logic that requires holding at least `R(rings_L2)`, this:


checks that the lock state is sufficient, validating that one of the following 
must be true when executed:

`R(rings_L2) && R(L1)`
or:  `W(rings_L2) && R(L1)`
or:  `W(L1)`

The macros are defined thus:

/* RAW macros here are only used to assist defining the other macros below */
#define RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1 (rw_is_locked(&L1_global_argo_rwlock))
#define RAW_LOCKING_Read_rings_L2(d) \
  (rw_is_locked(&d->argo->rings_L2_rwlock) && RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1)

/* The LOCKING macros defined below here are for use at verification points */
#define LOCKING_Write_L1 (rw_is_write_locked(&L1_global_argo_rwlock))
#define LOCKING_Read_L1 (RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1 || LOCKING_Write_L1)

#define LOCKING_Write_rings_L2(d) \
  ((RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1 && rw_is_write_locked(&d->argo->rings_L2_rwlock)) || \

#define LOCKING_Read_rings_L2(d) \
  ((RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1 && rw_is_locked(&d->argo->rings_L2_rwlock)) || \
   LOCKING_Write_rings_L2(d) || LOCKING_Write_L1)

#define LOCKING_L3(d, r) \
  ((RAW_LOCKING_Read_rings_L2(d) && spin_is_locked(&r->L3_lock)) || \
   LOCKING_Write_rings_L2(d) || LOCKING_Write_L1)

#define LOCKING_send_L2(d) \
  ((RAW_LOCKING_Read_L1 && spin_is_locked(&d->argo->send_L2_lock)) || \

Here is an example of a macro in use:

static void
notify_ring(const struct domain *d, struct argo_ring_info *ring_info,
          struct hlist_head *to_notify)
  uint32_t space;



  if ( ring_info->len )
      space = ringbuf_payload_space(d, ring_info);
      space = 0;


  if ( space )
      pending_find(d, ring_info, space, to_notify);


In the above example, it can be seen that it is safe to acquire the `L3` lock 
because _at least_ `R(rings_L2)` is already held, as documented and verified by 
the macro.

## Appendix:  FAQ / Other Considerations 

### Why not have a single per-domain lock?

Due to performance isolation / DoS avoidance: if there is a single per-domain 
lock, acquiring this lock will stall operations on other active rings owned by 
the domain. A malicious domain can loop registering and unregistering rings, 
without any consent by the targetted domain, which would experience decreased 
throughput due to the contention on the single per-domain lock. The granular 
locking structure of Argo prevents this. It also allows concurrent operation of 
different rings by multiple VCPUs of the same domain without contention, to 
avoid negative application performance interaction.

## Rationale for Using a Singleton Global Lock: L1

### Teardown on domain destroy

The single global lock enables exclusive access to the argo data structures 
across domains when a domain is destroyed. Every unicast ring that the dying 
domain is the authorized sender is torn down and any pending space-available 
notifications in other domain's wildcard rings are cancelled. This requires 
gaining safe access to the data structures on each of the domains involved.

The 'send hashtable' data structure is needed in order to perform the teardown 
of rings when a domain is destroyed. To populate it, whenever a unicast ring is 
registered, the lock that protects that data structure must be taken 

There are granular per-domain locks which protect the per-domain data 
structures. The global singleton L1 lock operates with-and-above the per-domain 
locks and is used to obtain exclusive access to multiple domain's argo data 
structures in the infrequent case where it is used -- for domain destroy -- 
whilst otherwise allowing concurrent access, via acquiring it with 'read' 
access, for the majority of the time.

To perform the required state teardown on domain destruction, which can require 
removing state from the data structures of multiple domains, a locking protocol 
to obtain mutual exclusion and safe access to the state is required, without 

Using the single global lock avoids the need for sequencing the acquisition of 
multiple individual per-domain locks (and lower level data structure locks) to 
prevent deadlock: taking W(L1) grants access to all and taking R(L1) ensures 
that teardown of any domain will not interfere with any Argo hypercall 
operation. It enables introducing granular locking without complex or 
error-prone lock acquisition logic.

=== end document ===

> There are also several claims that fine-grainer locking provides
> better performance in order to justify the need of such locks. IMO
> without providing any evidence of such performance benefit it's hard
> to be convinced so many locks are needed.

Benchmarks would be useful for regression testing.  We can investigate 
resourcing for Argo synthetic benchmarks in the Xen 4.13 release cycle.  In the 
meantime, we can cite the shipment of Citrix XenClient in 2011, followed by 
customer production deployments of v4v in OpenXT and Bromium uXen (including HP 
business laptops).  Argo is derived from v4v.

Ian Pratt's PSEC 2018 presentation [1] on hypervisor security indirectly 
referenced v4v and uXen isolation/performance requirements, it may illustrate 
the scope of possible Argo use cases.  Click the "uXen" button below the video 
to navigate to the clip.  There's also a uXen source code link.  An excerpt (my 
annotations in []):

"PV device interfaces all built on simple hypervisor copy-based primitive 

We came up with a very simple primitive [v4v] for communication between VMs, 
between VMs and the host, and then just built everything on that primitive.  
It's a simple copy-based primitive.  We didn't want any memory sharing of any 
kind.  Anything involving memory sharing ends up being complex ... Grant tables 
being a huge example ... a copy-based approach is just much simpler, and 
actually, performance-wise, it turns out being equivalent from a performance 
point of view ... 

Getting rid of other terrible ideas, like Xenstore ... we still want the 
primitive [v4v] interface to be able to support things like device 
reconnection.  That was a good idea, this idea that you can restart these 
driver domains, have VMs reconnect and be able to continue, that's very useful. 
 We want to enable this simple primitive [v4v] to do that.  Then just build 
everything using very simple, narrow interfaces."

[1]  https://www.platformsecuritysummit.com/2018/speaker/pratt/

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