Xen Community meeting at Citrix, December 2019

*Combined Notes from Christopher Clark and Daniel P. Smith*

# Day One @ Xen meeting

## Attendees

-   Daniel Smith (Apertus Solutions/TrenchBoot/OpenXT)
-   Christopher Clark (OpenXT)
-   Rich Persaud (OpenXT)
-   James McKenzie (HP/Bromium)
-   Lars Kurth (Citrix)
-   Andy Cooper (Citrix)
-   George Dunlap (Citrix)
-   Ian Jackson (Citrix)
-   Julien Grall (AWS)
-   Paul Durrant (AWS)
-   Wei Liu (Microsoft)

## State of XSM/Flask

### Proposal

-   Would like to see XSM/Flask become the default access control
    mechanism for Xen
-   An audit of security hooks may be needed

    -   Ensure all subject/object/predicates are covered

-   Default policy should not be hard coded/always present

    -   IOW, dummy policy should be extrapolated out to as a proper
        > policy file

### Discussion

-   XSM/Flask needs refactoring

    -   AVC user space tool

    -   Performance: while there is an expected overhead the OpenXT
        > community uses it without user noticeable performance
        > degradation but to date there is no known benchmark to
        > quantify this overhead

-   Provide non-Flask hypervisor developers a means to provide
    appropriate Flask patches for the hypervisor capabilities that they
    are implementing

Specifically requested:

-   A Developer who adds a XSM hook should not need to understand
    anything beyond the dummy policy

    -   After making XSM/Flask the default access control mechanism then
        > XSM should provide a consistent behavior which can be one of
        > the following: 1. deny access to the new hook and break, 2.
        > fail to apply, or 3. fail to build (in which case XSM would
        > not be testable by default)

-   Correctness of the dummy policy should be reviewable by
    non-Flask-specialist Xen Security Team
-   XSM/Flask default policy should not be less secure than the current
    highly-privileged Dom0 security model

## DomB-mode of dom0less

Discussion about the current implementation of dom0 launch and the
hardware domain.

-   During dom0 creation, and prior to starting it, the hypervisor
    issues dom0 all possible permissions over i/o ports, i/o mem and
    IRQs (see: \`dom0\_setup\_permissions\`). The hypervisor then
    reduces these permissions by masking out with a series of defined
    bitmasks to restrict it.
-   A hardware domain (that is not dom0) is identified by matching a
    domid specified on the hypervisor command line
-   When the hardware domain is launched, permissions are removed from
    dom0 and added to the hardware domain when the hardware domain is
    started (see: \`late\_hwdom\_init\`).

### Objectives

-   Extend dom0less support to x86 platforms

    -   boot domains are to be configured and launched by a single
        > initial domain (domB) that exits once the setup work is
        > completed

-   Enable flexible implementation of cryptographic measurement of the
    set of domains launched at system boot
-   Support the use case of implementing a disaggregated vTPM with
    isolation from the control domain
-   Permissions and access of \*\*all\*\* domains should be dictated by
    domain label from XSM/Flask policy
-   Optional: the boot domain image could optionally be bundled within
    the Xen binary in a similar manner as the initramfs can be bundled
    or not with Linux kernel
-   Want to be able to replace the domB without rebuilding the
    hypervisor binary.
-   Add a new KCONFIG for switching between domB implementation of
    platform launch and the existing dom0 implementation.

### Discussion

Requested: an in-Xen-tree reference domB implementation

Note: the hypervisor interface supports starting a domain with a
specified domid. This is not made available by the libxl toolstack.

Xen has logic on permission delegation:

-   in order for a VM to be able to delegate a permission to another, it
    itself must have that permission.

    -   **ACTION**: change this to be implemented as a XSM hook, so that
        > policy can choose to override this constraint, while
        > preserving it (ie. the existing behaviour) as the default.

The domain id to assign to domB: should not be zero.

-   Recommendation is to use a new fixed domain id allocated from the
    reserved range.

    -   See DOMID\_IDLE, DOMID\_INVALID, etc in \<xen.h\>

The is\_hardware\_domain predicate

-   uses within Xen not necessarily all consistent?
-   convert this to a XSM hook?

    -   ***to be determined***: performance impact since hits the avc?

Need to not shut down the platform when domB exits

-   ie. distinguish domB from the hardware domain

Since the hypervisor ABI is unstable, specifically the domain building
hypercalls, will need to use the Xen toolstack:

-   so libxc/libxl is the right interface for initial domB domain logic
    to use

    -   otherwise problematic when Xen hypervisor version is changed

    -   in the near term, this mandates the use of Linux + toolstack

Python bindings as an option was mentioned

### Decision:

use full Linux within domB as starting point

-   unikraft discussed, not selected: is not deployed in production and
    want to use mature, QA\'d and externally maintained components
-   32MB size for the kernel queried: proposers have no issue with that

Request made for a script interpreter in an example domB, with scripts
to start dom0 with a given set of permissions

-   aim is to make domB usable for other people\'s use cases and widen
    adoption, help other people with what we build for domB

Brief discussion of \"single VM\" Xen

# Day Two @ Xen meeting

## Terminology for this text:

\- highest privilege hypervisor (L0) is "at the top"

\- guests are lower, decreasing in height (L1, then L2 etc)

## Naming Method Proposal \#1: Client-visible uuids for names

**NB**: This first naming method proposal was discussed and then
superseded by an alternative, see below. Discussion of this first method
is included here for context and the archive.

### UUID Semantics:

Three options for what a UUID represents were presented:

1.  A running VM instance
2.  A running VM instance but the UUID is never recycled
3.  A VM associated with a thing on disk

Consensus was for option 2: a running VM instance but the UUID is never

When a VM is migrated, its UUID must change.

When importing a VM from another machine, allow override of the
default-assigned uuid.

-   An important case to consider is the localhost migration: uuids must

A VM, a template and snapshot must all have UUIDs within the same
address space.

-   A useful construct is to have a VM (and a UUID) with no resources
    assigned, that can be resolved to a running VM\'s uuid.

Tab-completion of UUIDs for CLI tools (as xapi currently does) is
essential for usable human interface.

Migration is either invisible to the guest or needs to be tested
continuously to detect and prevent breakage.

Discussion covered a method of making the migration event visible and
simple for a guest to act upon, by setting a bit in the well-known page
shared between the guest and Xen to indicate the event, and triggering
an interrupt to the Xen platform device =\> triggers rediscovery logic.

Strong concern raised that migration must not require the knowledge or
cooperation or correct execution of an algorithm within the guest. Buggy
front ends currently decrease the reliability of VM migration.

Want an option for client-specific translation of id state exposed to
guests so that they can be shielded from the real uuid in use. This is
to avoid a future repeat of the current difficulties experienced with
guests being aware of their domid.

### Sub-topic: nesting

The L0 hypervisor (closest to the hardware) should not be required to
maintain a name translation. Each level of nested hypervisor performs
name translation for its guests, which includes translation of a local
name for a guest-hypervisor.

When talking up, a particular name gets expanded to the list of names
being queried: behaves like a VLAN tag.

-   Names are not of fixed length. All hypervisors name their direct

Clients always use relative path names rather than absolute path names.

For data transfer between layers, once you\'ve done a memcpy, doing
another of the same data is essentially free (for performance cost)
while it remains in the cache.

For measuring performance, compare against CPUID as reference benchmark.

## Naming Method Proposal \#2: Externally-connected ports and
implicit destinations

***This is a superseding proposal to the above-described use of
guest-exposed uuid names.***

### Approach

Add the following two new concepts to Argo:

Concept 1: add "implicit destinations" where messages can be sent (via
the sendv op) with only a specified \<source Argo port\>, leaving unset
both the \<destination domid\> and \<destination Argo port\>. The unset
destination values are then filled in by the hypervisor by performing an
internal lookup from (src domid, src Argo port) to obtain a fixed (dst
domid, dst Argo port) for the message destination.

Concept 2: allow the toolstack to create and manage the entries in its
hypervisor's "implicit destinations" table. This enables the toolstack
to perform \"patch-cable\"-like connection of ports between guests with
its hypervisor, and can be done external to the VMs.

ie. the L\<n\> toolstack connects implicit Argo ports between the guests
of the L\<n\> hypervisor.

With both of the above in place, a VM can then send messages that
specify only the client port, and the hypervisor will complete the
destination VM and destination port, enabling a VM to communicate with
an endpoint determined by the toolstack. This enables the use of
well-known client port numbers \-- ie. agreed between VM and its local
toolstack that manages it \-- for services eg. \"my storage\".

A special \"destination domid\" in the implicit destination table
indicates \"up to the next hypervisor\", for sending messages upwards
when nesting.

To complete the nesting communication path, a hypervisor needs a method
of receiving messages from its parent and mapping them to its guests: A
per-CPU receive buffer where messages will be delivered into.

A new XSM/Flask control can be added to constrain a guest to only be
allowed to send to "implicit destinations", which should be useful for
enabling controlled guest access to Argo communication without requiring
a full port-based firewall implementation.

# Copyright

"Xen F2F in Cambridge, Dec 2019" (c) by Daniel P. Smith, Christopher W.

"Xen F2F in Cambridge, Dec 2019" is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 Unported License.

You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If
not, see \<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\>.

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