Perf: runtime of my test case now ~11s

Example query before (from the Perl DBI trace):

        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN steps USING (flight)
            WHERE (branch='xen-unstable')
              AND job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
              AND ( (TRUE AND flight <= 151903) AND (blessing='real') )
            LIMIT 1


        WITH s AS
        SELECT * FROM steps
         WHERE job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN s USING (flight)
            WHERE (branch='xen-unstable')
              AND ( (TRUE AND flight <= 151903) AND (blessing='real') )
            LIMIT 1

In both cases with bind vars:


Diff to the query:

-        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN steps USING (flight)
+        WITH s AS
+        (
+        SELECT * FROM steps
+         WHERE job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
+        )
+        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN s USING (flight)
             WHERE (branch='xen-unstable')
-              AND job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
               AND ( (TRUE AND flight <= 151903) AND (blessing='real') )
             LIMIT 1

CC: George Dunlap <>
Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <>
 schema/steps-job-index.sql |  2 +-
 sg-report-flight           | 14 ++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/schema/steps-job-index.sql b/schema/steps-job-index.sql
index 07dc5a30..2c33af72 100644
--- a/schema/steps-job-index.sql
+++ b/schema/steps-job-index.sql
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- ##OSSTEST## 006 Preparatory
+-- ##OSSTEST## 006 Needed
 -- This index helps sg-report-flight find if a test ever passed.
diff --git a/sg-report-flight b/sg-report-flight
index b5398573..b8d948da 100755
--- a/sg-report-flight
+++ b/sg-report-flight
@@ -849,10 +849,20 @@ sub justifyfailures ($;$) {
     my @failures= values %{ $fi->{Failures} };
+    # In psql 9.6 this WITH clause makes postgresql do the steps query
+    # first.  This is good because if this test never passed we can
+    # determine that really quickly using the new index, without
+    # having to scan the flights table.  (If the test passed we will
+    # probably not have to look at many flights to find one, so in
+    # that case this is not much worse.)
     my $anypassq= <<END;
-        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN steps USING (flight)
+        WITH s AS
+        (
+        SELECT * FROM steps
+         WHERE job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
+        )
+        SELECT * FROM flights JOIN s USING (flight)
             WHERE $branches_cond_q
-              AND job=? and testid=? and status='pass'
               AND $blessingscond
             LIMIT 1

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