WFIW: all 3 time slots work for me.

Looking forward to this!


On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 12:42 PM Bob Eshleman <> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I think most who are interested have acked the thread at
> this point and I've CC'd everyone (please add anyone if
> I've missed them).
> I'd like to suggest we have a first group call to
> set out an agenda, define scope, and start identifying
> the direction the project would like to go for secure
> boot.
> I'll prepare the call similar to how
> community calls are handled, with a public cryptpad
> for agenda items and such.
> Which of these dates work best for you? Which absolutely
> do not work?
>   Mon. March 29th, 16:00 UTC
>   Wed. March 31st, 16:00 UTC
>   Mon. April  5th, 16:00 UTC
> Given the Xen community call is at 16:00 UTC, I figure
> that probably best captures our geographic spread.  Feel
> free to suggest alternative dates/times if none of the
> above work.
> We can host the meeting on Jitsi which works quite well
> from any web browser.  I'll send out a invite link when
> we've decided on a suitable date and time.
> Thanks.
> --
> Bobby Eshleman
> SE at Vates SAS

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