Hi all,

I know we just had the XenSummit last week, but it was suggested there that the 
primary agenda item be making sure that all of the responsibilities for my 
current role have been delegated appropriately, in preparation for my upcoming 
parental leave (which will start 26 July and go through the end of the year).  
I’ll put some of the things on the agenda, and we can brainstorm other things I 
may have missed.  Feel free to add other things to the agenda if needed as well.

The proposed agenda is in 
https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/3Zh+UorD-6vUrwhjhRVYyHe8/ and you can edit 
to add items.  Alternatively, you can reply to this mail directly.

Agenda items appreciated a few days before the call: please put your name 
besides items if you edit the document.

Note the following administrative conventions for the call:
* Unless, agreed in the pervious meeting otherwise, the call is on the 1st 
Thursday of each month at 1600 British Time (either GMT or BST)
* I usually send out a meeting reminder a few days before with a provisional 

* To allow time to switch between meetings, we'll plan on starting the agenda 
at 16:05 sharp.  Aim to join by 16:03 if possible to allocate time to sort out 
technical difficulties &c

* If you want to be CC'ed please add or remove yourself from the sign-up-sheet 
at https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/D9vGzihPxxAOe6RFPz0sRCf+/

Best Regards

== Dial-in Information ==
## Meeting time
15:00 - 16:00 UTC
Further International meeting times: 

## Dial in details
Web: https://meet.jit.si/XenProjectCommunityCall

Dial-in info and pin can be found here:


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