On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 19:38 -0500, Hollis Blanchard wrote:
> Hmm, so we'll have at least three copies of this code: uboot, kernel,
> and Xen. Would it make sense to put this stuff into a libdt.a?
> Technically, dtc has a "libdt" already, but it's absurdly incomplete
> (I don't even know why it's there), so we could just replace it. 

Mark, I had a look at the code Pantelis wrote for u-boot, and it was
pretty easy to adapt to meet Xen's (userspace-based) needs. I've
attached my version below (and see ft_setup() at the bottom of the
file). Does it meet your requirements for the kernel bootwrapper?

One limitation of the attached code is that it doesn't support changing
the *size* of properties, though I don't think that would be too
difficult to add if needed.

Haren, what about using this in kexec-tools?

If everybody can use this (I expect small modifications would be
needed), I think we should turn it into a library in the dtc source
tree. The various projects using it could then include snapshots (to
avoid dependencies). In general I'd like to avoid everybody writing and
maintaining their own version of this stuff (myself included).

Hollis Blanchard
IBM Linux Technology Center
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <asm/errno.h>

#include "ft_build.h"

#define _ALIGN(addr,size)       (((addr)+(size)-1)&(~((size)-1)))

static void ft_put_word(struct ft_cxt *cxt, u32 v)
	if (cxt->overflow)	/* do nothing */

	/* check for overflow */
	if (cxt->p + 4 > cxt->pstr) {
		cxt->overflow = 1;

	*(u32 *) cxt->p = cpu_to_be32(v);
	cxt->p += 4;

static inline void ft_put_bin(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const void *data, int sz)
	char *p;

	if (cxt->overflow)	/* do nothing */

	/* next pointer pos */
	p = (char *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)cxt->p + sz, 4);

	/* check for overflow */
	if (p > cxt->pstr) {
		cxt->overflow = 1;

	memcpy(cxt->p, data, sz);
	if ((sz & 3) != 0)
		memset(cxt->p + sz, 0, 4 - (sz & 3));
	cxt->p = p;

void ft_begin_node(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name)
	ft_put_word(cxt, OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE);
	ft_put_bin(cxt, name, strlen(name) + 1);

void ft_end_node(struct ft_cxt *cxt)
	ft_put_word(cxt, OF_DT_END_NODE);

void ft_nop(struct ft_cxt *cxt)
	ft_put_word(cxt, OF_DT_NOP);

static int lookup_string(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name)
	char *p;

	p = cxt->pstr;
	while (p < cxt->pstr_begin) {
		if (strcmp(p, (char *)name) == 0)
			return p - cxt->p_begin;
		p += strlen(p) + 1;

	return -1;

void ft_prop(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, const void *data, int sz)
	int len, off;

	if (cxt->overflow)

	len = strlen(name) + 1;

	off = lookup_string(cxt, name);
	if (off == -1) {
		/* check if we have space */
		if (cxt->p + 12 + sz + len > cxt->pstr) {
			cxt->overflow = 1;

		cxt->pstr -= len;
		memcpy(cxt->pstr, name, len);
		off = cxt->pstr - cxt->p_begin;

	/* now put offset from beginning of *STRUCTURE* */
	/* will be fixed up at the end */
	ft_put_word(cxt, OF_DT_PROP);
	ft_put_word(cxt, sz);
	ft_put_word(cxt, off);
	ft_put_bin(cxt, data, sz);

void ft_prop_str(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, const char *str)
	ft_prop(cxt, name, str, strlen(str) + 1);

void ft_prop_int(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, int val)
	u32 v = cpu_to_be32((u32) val);

	ft_prop(cxt, name, &v, 4);

/* start construction of the flat OF tree */
void ft_begin(struct ft_cxt *cxt, void *blob, int max_size)
	struct boot_param_header *bph = blob;
	u32 off;

	/* clear the cxt */
	memset(cxt, 0, sizeof(*cxt));

	cxt->bph = bph;
	cxt->max_size = max_size;

	/* zero everything in the header area */
	memset(bph, 0, sizeof(*bph));

	bph->magic = cpu_to_be32(OF_DT_HEADER);
	bph->version = cpu_to_be32(0x10);
	bph->last_comp_version = cpu_to_be32(0x10);

	/* start pointers */
	cxt->pres_begin = (char *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)(bph + 1), 8);
	cxt->pres = cxt->pres_begin;

	off = (unsigned long)cxt->pres_begin - (unsigned long)bph;
	bph->off_mem_rsvmap = cpu_to_be32(off);

	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[0] = 0;	/* phys = 0, size = 0, terminate */
	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[1] = 0;

	cxt->p_anchor = cxt->pres + 16;	/* over the terminator */

/* add a reserver physical area to the rsvmap */
void ft_add_rsvmap(struct ft_cxt *cxt, u64 physaddr, u64 size)
	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[0] = cpu_to_be64(physaddr);	/* phys = 0, size = 0, terminate */
	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[1] = cpu_to_be64(size);

	cxt->pres += 18;	/* advance */

	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[0] = 0;	/* phys = 0, size = 0, terminate */
	((u64 *) cxt->pres)[1] = 0;

	/* keep track of size */
	cxt->res_size = cxt->pres + 16 - cxt->pres_begin;

	cxt->p_anchor = cxt->pres + 16;	/* over the terminator */

void ft_begin_tree(struct ft_cxt *cxt)
	cxt->p_begin = cxt->p_anchor;
	cxt->pstr_begin = (char *)cxt->bph + cxt->max_size;	/* point at the end */

	cxt->p = cxt->p_begin;
	cxt->pstr = cxt->pstr_begin;

int ft_end_tree(struct ft_cxt *cxt)
	struct boot_param_header *bph = cxt->bph;
	int off, sz, sz1;
	u32 tag, v;
	char *p;

	ft_put_word(cxt, OF_DT_END);

	if (cxt->overflow)
		return -ENOMEM;

	/* size of the areas */
	cxt->struct_size = cxt->p - cxt->p_begin;
	cxt->strings_size = cxt->pstr_begin - cxt->pstr;

	/* the offset we must move */
	off = (cxt->pstr_begin - cxt->p_begin) - cxt->strings_size;

	/* the new strings start */
	cxt->pstr_begin = cxt->p_begin + cxt->struct_size;

	/* move the whole string area */
	memmove(cxt->pstr_begin, cxt->pstr, cxt->strings_size);

	/* now perform the fixup of the strings */
	p = cxt->p_begin;
	while ((tag = be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) p)) != OF_DT_END) {
		p += 4;

		if (tag == OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE) {
			p = (char *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + strlen(p) + 1, 4);

		if (tag == OF_DT_END_NODE || tag == OF_DT_NOP)

		if (tag != OF_DT_PROP)
			return -EINVAL;

		sz = be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) p);
		p += 4;

		v = be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) p);
		v -= off;
		*(u32 *) p = cpu_to_be32(v);	/* move down */
		p += 4;

		p = (char *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + sz, 4);

	/* fix sizes */
	p = (char *)cxt->bph;
	sz = (cxt->pstr_begin + cxt->strings_size) - p;
	sz1 = _ALIGN(sz, 16);	/* align at 16 bytes */
	if (sz != sz1)
		memset(p + sz, 0, sz1 - sz);
	bph->totalsize = cpu_to_be32(sz1);
	bph->off_dt_struct = cpu_to_be32(cxt->p_begin - p);
	bph->off_dt_strings = cpu_to_be32(cxt->pstr_begin - p);

	/* the new strings start */
	cxt->pstr_begin = cxt->p_begin + cxt->struct_size;
	cxt->pstr = cxt->pstr_begin + cxt->strings_size;

	return 0;


static inline int isprint(int c)
	return c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e;

static int is_printable_string(const void *data, int len)
	const char *s = data;
	const char *ss;

	/* zero length is not */
	if (len == 0)
		return 0;

	/* must terminate with zero */
	if (s[len - 1] != '\0')
		return 0;

	ss = s;
	while (*s && isprint(*s))

	/* not zero, or not done yet */
	if (*s != '\0' || (s + 1 - ss) < len)
		return 0;

	return 1;

static void print_data(const void *data, int len)
	int i;
	const char *s;

	/* no data, don't print */
	if (len == 0)

	if (is_printable_string(data, len)) {
		printf(" = \"%s\"", (char *)data);

	switch (len) {
	case 1:		/* byte */
		printf(" = <0x%02x>", (*(char *) data) & 0xff);
	case 2:		/* half-word */
		printf(" = <0x%04x>", be16_to_cpu(*(u16 *) data) & 0xffff);
	case 4:		/* word */
		printf(" = <0x%08x>", be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) data) & 0xffffffffU);
	case 8:		/* double-word */
		printf(" = <0x%16llx>", be64_to_cpu(*(u64 *) data));
	default:		/* anything else... hexdump */
		printf(" = [");
		for (i = 0, s = data; i < len; i++)
			printf("%02x%s", s[i], i < len - 1 ? " " : "");


void ft_dump_blob(const void *bphp)
	const struct boot_param_header *bph = bphp;
	const u64 *p_rsvmap = (const u64 *)
		((const char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_mem_rsvmap));
	const u32 *p_struct = (const u32 *)
		((const char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_struct));
	const u32 *p_strings = (const u32 *)
		((const char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_strings));
	u32 tag;
	const u32 *p;
	const char *s, *t;
	int depth, sz, shift;
	int i;
	u64 addr, size;

	if (be32_to_cpu(bph->magic) != OF_DT_HEADER) {
		/* not valid tree */

	depth = 0;
	shift = 4;

	for (i = 0;; i++) {
		addr = be64_to_cpu(p_rsvmap[i * 2]);
		size = be64_to_cpu(p_rsvmap[i * 2 + 1]);
		if (addr == 0 && size == 0)

		printf("/memreserve/ 0x%llx 0x%llx;\n", addr, size);

	p = p_struct;
	while ((tag = be32_to_cpu(*p++)) != OF_DT_END) {

		/* printf("tag: 0x%08x (%d)\n", tag, p - p_struct); */

		if (tag == OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE) {
			s = (const char *)p;
			p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + strlen(s) + 1, 4);

			printf("%*s%s {\n", depth * shift, "", s);


		if (tag == OF_DT_END_NODE) {

			printf("%*s};\n", depth * shift, "");

		if (tag == OF_DT_NOP) {
			printf("%*s[NOP]\n", depth * shift, "");

		if (tag != OF_DT_PROP) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%*s ** Unknown tag 0x%08x\n",
				depth * shift, "", tag);
		sz = be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		s = (const char *)p_strings + be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		t = (const char *)p;
		p = (const u32 *)_ALIGN((unsigned long)p + sz, 4);
		printf("%*s%s", depth * shift, "", s);
		print_data(t, sz);

void ft_backtrack_node(struct ft_cxt *cxt)
	if (be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) (cxt->p - 4)) != OF_DT_END_NODE)
		return;		/* XXX only for node */

	cxt->p -= 4;

/* note that the root node of the blob is "peeled" off */
void ft_merge_blob(struct ft_cxt *cxt, void *blob)
	struct boot_param_header *bph = (struct boot_param_header *)blob;
	u32 *p_struct = (u32 *) ((char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_struct));
	u32 *p_strings =
	    (u32 *) ((char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_strings));
	u32 tag, *p;
	char *s, *t;
	int depth, sz;

	if (be32_to_cpu(*(u32 *) (cxt->p - 4)) != OF_DT_END_NODE)
		return;		/* XXX only for node */

	cxt->p -= 4;

	depth = 0;
	p = p_struct;
	while ((tag = be32_to_cpu(*p++)) != OF_DT_END) {

		/* printf("tag: 0x%08x (%d) - %d\n", tag, p - p_struct, depth); */

		if (tag == OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE) {
			s = (char *)p;
			p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + strlen(s) + 1, 4);

			if (depth++ > 0)
				ft_begin_node(cxt, s);


		if (tag == OF_DT_END_NODE) {
			if (--depth == 0)

		if (tag == OF_DT_NOP)

		if (tag != OF_DT_PROP)

		sz = be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		s = (char *)p_strings + be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		t = (char *)p;
		p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + sz, 4);

		ft_prop(cxt, s, t, sz);

void *ft_get_prop(void *bphp, const char *propname, int *szp)
	struct boot_param_header *bph = bphp;
	u32 *p_struct =
	    (u32 *) ((char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_struct));
	u32 *p_strings =
	    (u32 *) ((char *)bph + be32_to_cpu(bph->off_dt_strings));
	u32 version = be32_to_cpu(bph->version);
	u32 tag;
	u32 *p;
	char *s, *t;
	char *ss;
	int sz;
	static char path[256], prop[256];

	path[0] = '\0';

	p = p_struct;
	while ((tag = be32_to_cpu(*p++)) != OF_DT_END) {

		if (tag == OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE) {
			s = (char *)p;
			p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + strlen(s) +
						1, 4);
			strcat(path, s);
			strcat(path, "/");

		if (tag == OF_DT_END_NODE) {
			path[strlen(path) - 1] = '\0';
			ss = strrchr(path, '/');
			if (ss != NULL)
				ss[1] = '\0';

		if (tag == OF_DT_NOP)

		if (tag != OF_DT_PROP)

		sz = be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		s = (char *)p_strings + be32_to_cpu(*p++);
		if (version < 0x10 && sz >= 8)
			p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p, 8);
		t = (char *)p;
		p = (u32 *) _ALIGN((unsigned long)p + sz, 4);

		strcpy(prop, path);
		strcat(prop, s);

		if (strcmp(prop, propname) == 0) {
			*szp = sz;
			return t;

	return NULL;


#if 0
extern unsigned char oftree_dtb[];
extern unsigned int oftree_dtb_len;

void ft_setup(void *blob, int size, bd_t * bd)
	char *end;
	u32 *p;
	int len;
	struct ft_cxt cxt;
	int i, k, nxt;
	static char tmpenv[256];
	char *s, *lval, *rval;
	ulong clock;
	u32 v;

	/* disable OF tree; booting old kernel */
	if (getenv("disable_of") != NULL) {
		memcpy(blob, bd, sizeof(*bd));

	ft_begin(&cxt, blob, size);

	/* fs_add_rsvmap not used */


	ft_begin_node(&cxt, "");


	/* copy RO tree */
	ft_merge_blob(&cxt, oftree_dtb);

	/* back into root */

	ft_begin_node(&cxt, "u-boot-env");

	for (i = 0; env_get_char(i) != '\0'; i = nxt + 1) {
		for (nxt = i; env_get_char(nxt) != '\0'; ++nxt) ;
		s = tmpenv;
		for (k = i; k < nxt && s < &tmpenv[sizeof(tmpenv) - 1]; ++k)
			*s++ = env_get_char(k);
		*s++ = '\0';
		lval = tmpenv;
		s = strchr(tmpenv, '=');
		if (s != NULL) {
			*s++ = '\0';
			rval = s;
		} else
		ft_prop_str(&cxt, lval, rval);


	ft_begin_node(&cxt, "chosen");

	ft_prop_str(&cxt, "name", "chosen");
	ft_prop_str(&cxt, "bootargs", getenv("bootargs"));
	ft_prop_int(&cxt, "linux,platform", 0x600);	/* what is this? */


	ft_end_node(&cxt);	/* end root */


	   printf("merged OF-tree\n");

	/* paste the bd_t at the end of the flat tree */
	end = (char *)blob +
	    be32_to_cpu(((struct boot_param_header *)blob)->totalsize);
	memcpy(end, bd, sizeof(*bd));


	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(bd_map)/sizeof(bd_map[0]); i++) {
		sprintf(tmpenv, "/bd_t/%s", bd_map[i].name);
		v = *(u32 *)((char *)bd + bd_map[i].offset);

		p = ft_get_prop(blob, tmpenv, &len);
		if (p != NULL)
			*p = cpu_to_be32(v);

	p = ft_get_prop(blob, "/bd_t/enetaddr", &len);
	if (p != NULL)
		memcpy(p, bd->bi_enetaddr, 6);

	p = ft_get_prop(blob, "/bd_t/ethspeed", &len);
	if (p != NULL)
		*p = cpu_to_be32((u32) bd->bi_ethspeed);

	clock = bd->bi_intfreq;
	p = ft_get_prop(blob, "/cpus/" OF_CPU "/clock-frequency", &len);
	if (p != NULL)
		*p = cpu_to_be32(clock);

#ifdef OF_TBCLK
	clock = OF_TBCLK;
	p = ft_get_prop(blob, "/cpus/" OF_CPU "/timebase-frequency", &len);
	if (p != NULL)
		*p = cpu_to_be32(OF_TBCLK);

#endif				/* __powerpc__ */

	   printf("final OF-tree\n");

 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef FT_BUILD_H
#define FT_BUILD_H

#include <endian.h>

typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

static inline u16 swab16(u16 x)
	return  (((u16)(x) & (u16)0x00ffU) << 8) |
			(((u16)(x) & (u16)0xff00U) >> 8);

static inline u32 swab32(u32 x)
	return  (((u32)(x) & (u32)0x000000ffUL) << 24) |
			(((u32)(x) & (u32)0x0000ff00UL) <<  8) |
			(((u32)(x) & (u32)0x00ff0000UL) >>  8) |
			(((u32)(x) & (u32)0xff000000UL) >> 24);

static inline u64 swab64(u64 x)
	return  (u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x00000000ff000000ULL) <<  8) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x000000ff00000000ULL) >>  8) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) |
			(u64)(((u64)(x) & (u64)0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56);

#define cpu_to_be16(x) swab16(x)
#define be16_to_cpu(x) swab16(x)
#define cpu_to_be32(x) swab32(x)
#define be32_to_cpu(x) swab32(x)
#define cpu_to_be64(x) swab64(x)
#define be64_to_cpu(x) swab64(x)
#define cpu_to_be16(x) (x)
#define be16_to_cpu(x) (x)
#define cpu_to_be32(x) (x)
#define be32_to_cpu(x) (x)
#define cpu_to_be64(x) (x)
#define be64_to_cpu(x) (x)

/* Definitions used by the flattened device tree */
#define OF_DT_HEADER            0xd00dfeed      /* marker */
#define OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE        0x1     /* Start of node, full name */
#define OF_DT_END_NODE          0x2     /* End node */
#define OF_DT_PROP              0x3     /* Property: name off, size, content */
#define OF_DT_NOP               0x4     /* nop */
#define OF_DT_END               0x9

#define OF_DT_VERSION           0x10

struct boot_param_header {
	u32 magic;              /* magic word OF_DT_HEADER */
	u32 totalsize;          /* total size of DT block */
	u32 off_dt_struct;      /* offset to structure */
	u32 off_dt_strings;     /* offset to strings */
	u32 off_mem_rsvmap;     /* offset to memory reserve map */
	u32 version;            /* format version */
	u32 last_comp_version;  /* last compatible version */
	/* version 2 fields below */
	u32 boot_cpuid_phys;    /* Physical CPU id we're booting on */
	/* version 3 fields below */
	u32 dt_strings_size;    /* size of the DT strings block */

struct ft_cxt {
	struct boot_param_header *bph;
	int max_size;           /* maximum size of tree */
	int overflow;           /* set when this happens */
	char *p, *pstr, *pres;  /* running pointers */
	char *p_begin, *pstr_begin, *pres_begin;        /* starting pointers */
	char *p_anchor;         /* start of constructed area */
	int struct_size, strings_size, res_size;

void ft_begin_node(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name);
void ft_end_node(struct ft_cxt *cxt);

void ft_begin_tree(struct ft_cxt *cxt);
int ft_end_tree(struct ft_cxt *cxt);

void ft_nop(struct ft_cxt *cxt);
void ft_prop(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, const void *data, int sz);
void ft_prop_str(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, const char *str);
void ft_prop_int(struct ft_cxt *cxt, const char *name, int val);
void ft_begin(struct ft_cxt *cxt, void *blob, int max_size);
void ft_add_rsvmap(struct ft_cxt *cxt, u64 physaddr, u64 size);

void ft_dump_blob(const void *bphp);
void ft_merge_blob(struct ft_cxt *cxt, void *blob);
void *ft_get_prop(void *bphp, const char *propname, int *szp);
void ft_set_prop(void *bphp, const char *propname, void *val, int len);

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