snapcraft (2.33) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* tests: reduce the amount of test code in test_meta (#1391)
* meta: bash completion support (#1390)
* tests: fix issues with python 3.6 (#1398)
* cleanbuild: ensure we enter a shell on failures on --debug (#1404)
* tests: do not break a systems `bzr whoami` (#1357)
* snap: remove completer entry (#1409)
* core: minimal cross OS support. (#1413)
* core: a clean command should clean. (#1416)
* nodejs plugin: copy the content of out of tree symlinks (#1418)
* tests: adapt opencv's test expectations (#1426)
* New upstream release (LP: #1707060)
[ Zygmunt Krynicki ]
* pluginhandler: don't clobber path on local import failure (#1361)
[ Paolo Pisati ]
* core: use the correct kernel arch for s390 (#1376)
[ Tim Süberkrüb ]
* core: support yaml merge tags (#1384)
[ roxd ]
* schema: blank version should not be allowed in snapcraft.yaml (#1379)
[ Paolo Pisati ]
* kernel plugin: add a default target per powerpc, ppc64el and s390x (#1377)
[ Rex Tsai ]
* tests: mock download for rustup in the x-compile test. (#1396)
[ Evan Dandrea ]
* file_utils: handle I/O errors in (#1369)
* python plugin: correct capitalisation for PyPI. (#1401)
* python plugin: better explain dependency link processing (#1402)
[ Leo Arias ]
* python plugin: output json in pip list (#1393)
* tests: allow to filter tests in docker (#1375)
* tests: document the test suites in the snapcraft repo (#1394)
* recording: rename the file to manifest.yaml (#1406)
* pluginhandler: check for collisions only in existing files (#1405)
* tests: run the tests in travis using LXD containers (#1415)
* tests: build the snapcraft snap in travis tests (#1411)
* ci: remove the old script to run with lxc (#1422)
[ Christian Dywan ]
* cli: proper parsing of hidden options (#1378)
* core: clean the container on a full clean (#1372)
* lxd: do not assume user ID of 1000 for raw.idmap (#1385)
* autotools plugin: Enable cross-compilation support (#1383)
* lxd: distingish FileNotFoundError for when not installed (#1400)
* waf plugin: enable cross-compilation support (#1397)
* ci: wait for apt/dpkg lock when setting lxd up (#1421)
* lxd: stop setting `$HOME` in containers (#1408)
* lxd: only remove container if one exists (#1403)
[ Simon Davy ]
* meta: add support for `reload-command` (#1373)
snapcraft (2.32) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Michał Sawicz ]
* autotools plugin: don't force uniqueness on configflags (#1337)
[ filibtester ]
* integrations: use the snapcore/snapcraft docker image in travis (#1331)
[ Jonathan Cave ]
* sources: allow source-type to specify local (#1352)
[ Christian Dywan ]
* tests: run unit tests on Travis with mock armhf (#1316)
* rust plugin: add support for cross-compilation (#1350)
[ Gustavo Silva ]
* deltas: improved message returned when delta is too big (#1345)
[ Adam Collard ]
* cli: add --version command (#1366)
[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* cli: provide a whoami command (#1332)
[ Kyle Fazzari ]
* cli: stop leaking green text (#1360)
* catkin plugin: add support for ROS Lunar (#1367)
[ Leo Arias ]
* tests: use pyramid as a router for the fake servers (#1363)
* tests: set up the spread execution in linode (#1374)
* integrations: add the snapcraft Dockerfile (#1370)
* tests: refactor the travis jobs using stages (#1318)
Date: 2017-07-31 20:58:10.772680+00:00
Changed-By: Sergio Schvezov <>
Signed-By: Steve Langasek <>
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