Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
> Jeroen Van den Keybus wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  > 
>  > 
>  > I'm currently not at a level to participate in your discussion. Although 
> I'm
>  > willing to supply you with stresstests, I would nevertheless like to learn
>  > more from task migration as this debugging session proceeds. In order to do
>  > so, please confirm the following statements or indicate where I went wrong.
>  > I hope others may learn from this as well.
>  > 
>  > xn_shadow_harden(): This is called whenever a Xenomai thread performs a
>  > Linux (root domain) system call (notified by Adeos ?). 
> xnshadow_harden() is called whenever a thread running in secondary
> mode (that is, running as a regular Linux thread, handled by Linux
> scheduler) is switching to primary mode (where it will run as a Xenomai
> thread, handled by Xenomai scheduler). Migrations occur for some system
> calls. More precisely, Xenomai skin system calls tables associates a few
> flags with each system call, and some of these flags cause migration of
> the caller when it issues the system call.
> Each Xenomai user-space thread has two contexts, a regular Linux
> thread context, and a Xenomai thread called "shadow" thread. Both
> contexts share the same stack and program counter, so that at any time,
> at least one of the two contexts is seen as suspended by the scheduler
> which handles it.
> Before xnshadow_harden is called, the Linux thread is running, and its
> shadow is seen in suspended state with XNRELAX bit by Xenomai
> scheduler. After xnshadow_harden, the Linux context is seen suspended
> with INTERRUPTIBLE state by Linux scheduler, and its shadow is seen as
> running by Xenomai scheduler.
> The migrating thread
>  > (nRT) is marked INTERRUPTIBLE and run by the Linux kernel
>  > wake_up_interruptible_sync() call. Is this thread actually run or does it
>  > merely put the thread in some Linux to-do list (I assumed the first case) ?
> Here, I am not sure, but it seems that when calling
> wake_up_interruptible_sync the woken up task is put in the current CPU
> runqueue, and this task (i.e. the gatekeeper), will not run until the
> current thread (i.e. the thread running xnshadow_harden) marks itself as
> suspended and calls schedule(). Maybe, marking the running thread as

Depends on CONFIG_PREEMPT. If set, we get a preempt_schedule already
here - and a switch if the prio of the woken up task is higher.

BTW, an easy way to enforce the current trouble is to remove the "_sync"
from wake_up_interruptible. As I understand it this _sync is just an
optimisation hint for Linux to avoid needless scheduler runs.

> suspended is not needed, since the gatekeeper may have a high priority,
> and calling schedule() is enough. In any case, the waken up thread does
> not seem to be run immediately, so this rather look like the second
> case.
> Since in xnshadow_harden, the running thread marks itself as suspended
> before running wake_up_interruptible_sync, the gatekeeper will run when
> schedule() get called, which in turn, depend on the CONFIG_PREEMPT*
> configuration. In the non-preempt case, the current thread will be
> suspended and the gatekeeper will run when schedule() is explicitely
> called in xnshadow_harden(). In the preempt case, schedule gets called
> when the outermost spinlock is unlocked in wake_up_interruptible_sync().
>  > And how does it terminate: is only the system call migrated or is the 
> thread
>  > allowed to continue run (at a priority level equal to the Xenomai
>  > priority level) until it hits something of the Xenomai API (or trivially:
>  > explicitly go to RT using the API) ? 
> I am not sure I follow you here. The usual case is that the thread will
> remain in primary mode after the system call, but I think a system call
> flag allow the other behaviour. So, if I understand the question
> correctly, the answer is that it depends on the system call.
>  > In that case, I expect the nRT thread to terminate with a schedule()
>  > call in the Xeno OS API code which deactivates the task so that it
>  > won't ever run in Linux context anymore. A top priority gatekeeper is
>  > in place as a software hook to catch Linux's attention right after
>  > that schedule(), which might otherwise schedule something else (and
>  > leave only interrupts for Xenomai to come back to life again).
> Here is the way I understand it. We have two threads, or rather two
> "views" of the same thread, with each its state. Switching from
> secondary to primary mode, i.e. xnshadow_harden and gatekeeper job,
> means changing the two states at once. Since we can not do that, we need
> an intermediate state. Since the intermediate state can not be the state
> where the two threads are running (they share the same stack and
> program counter), the intermediate state is a state where the two
> threads are suspended, but another context needs running, it is the
> gatekeeper.
>  >  I have
>  > the impression that I cannot see this gatekeeper, nor the (n)RT
>  > threads using the ps command ?
> The gatekeeper and Xenomai user-space threads are regular Linux
> contexts, you can seen them using the ps command.
>  > 
>  > Is it correct to state that the current preemption issue is due to the
>  > gatekeeper being invoked too soon ? Could someone knowing more about the
>  > migration technology explain what exactly goes wrong ?
> Jan seems to have found such an issue here. I am not sure I understood
> what he wrote. But if the issue is due to CONFIG_PREEMPT, it explains
> why I could not observe the bug, I only have the "voluntary preempt"
> option enabled.
> I will now try and activate CONFIG_PREEMPT, so as to try and understand
> what Jan wrote, and tell you more later.

Hardly anyone understands me, it's so sad... ;(


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