Em Sexta 10 Março 2006 15:32, Jan Kiszka escreveu:

>Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas wrote:
>> Em Quinta 09 Março 2006 17:33, Jan Kiszka escreveu:
>>> Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas wrote:
>>>> Hi Jan,
>>>> I'm still concerned about the future of RTDM and timer functions. I
>>>> think there should be some function for starting the timer manually,
>>>> since the automatic feature don't work great for RTDM drivers.
>>>> It is not nice to have to run the latency (or any other) program for
>>>> starting the timer before I can load my driver. And it is not suffice to
>>>> run it once I booted. After I open/close my rtdm device and reload my
>>>> driver the problem will occur again and I'll have to re-run the latency
>>>> program.
>>> Sorry I don't see the problem here.
>>> # modprobe xeno_nucleus; cat /proc/xenomai/timer
>>> status=off:setup=1392:tickval=0:jiffies=0
>>> # modprobe xeno_rtdm; cat /proc/xenomai/timer
>>> status=oneshot:setup=1392:tickval=1:jiffies=8113917792696
>>> So the timer is running right since when rtdm is loaded?!
>> Yes, here too.
>>> And that simple heartbeat rtdm example on my rt-addon homepage now
>>> cleanly runs even without any further helper to start some timer.
>> Yes, here too. You are right, once the timer is in oneshot mode. My driver
>> loads correctly without the helper. Then I start a user application that
>> changes the timer to periodic mode and uses my driver. When I reload my
>> driver, now in periodic mode, the problem raises.
>What happens if you make the periodic timer the default one in the
>kernel configuration?

The same behaviour.

>> It seems, there is no problem when the timer is set to oneshot. But when
>> turning it to periodic, at least one of rtdm_task_busy_sleep() or
>> rtdm_clock_read() doesn't seem to work. See below:
>> cat /proc/xenomai/timer
>>   status=periodic:setup=188:tickval=100000:jiffies=19972453
>> start_time = rtdm_clock_read();
>> rtdm_task_busy_sleep(84000);
>> temp_time = rtdm_clock_read();
>> rtdm_printk(KERN_INFO "Should be near 84000: %u\n", (unsigned int)
>>                    (temp_time-start_time));
>> Sometimes the result is "Should be near 84000: 100000", that is kind of
>> correct, since the tickval is 100000, although I think that those
>> functions in the RTDM driver context should be independent of the tick
>> value set by the user program... Maybe using oneshot in the driver calls
>> and periodic in the application... I really don't know what would be the
>> best approach here...
>rtdm_clock_read always uses the nucleus clock.

Do you mean that rtdm_clock_read will always read a multiple of tickval value? 
If so, I think it would be good to make it clear on its documentation. "Get 
system time" isn't enough for getting this information, IMHO.

>Using something different 
>(e.g. always TSC) would break applications specifying absolute times
>derived from the return values of other skins' functions.

I did not understand. I'm talking about using TSC only for these two 
functions. I can not see why shouldn't it be possible... I mean, I think the 
driver should not depend on the userspace program timer for these two 

>> But the worst case is that sometimes I get "Should be near 84000: 0" which
>> clearly is a incorrect result.
>That might be a rounding issue somewhere, as the sleep than clearly did
>not wait at least one tick. Will have to check this when time permits.
>> After I run the latency program, the timer turns to be oneshot again and
>> everything goes right.
>> What can I do to solve this problem?
>Use oneshot mode in the meantime - or even longer ;).

That is what I'll gonna do, but I know it is not a definite solution. Since 
I'm providing a framework, the user should decide which approach is better 
for him/her, oneshot or periodic mode.

>Why do you prefer 
>periodic mode for your application? Another workaround: reduce the tick

I have some loops in my userspace programs that a common 100us tick would 
satisfy them all. I think the overhead would be lower than using the 
aperiodic oneshot mode... I'm not pretty sure about that. But that is not the 
question. My application is just an use case of my framework (actually I 
didn't even started building it). The final user should decide what is the 
best approach for him/her, not me. So, I would prefer that the driver be 
independent from the timer source chosen by the user program.


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