Jacques GANGLOFF wrote:
> Hi,
> I did this little test :
> Below I have attached two sources, one on the kernel side and one on the
> user side.
> I do here a very simple fifo handshaking test. I insert the kernel module
> then I run the user program. When I do the test with the "THE BUG IS HERE"
> line commented, I got :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test/pipe# ./user
> user : j'ai envoyé A
> user :j'ai bien reçu E
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test/pipe# dmesg
> hello world
> kernel : j'ai bien reçu A
> kernel : ret = 1
> kernel :j'ai envoyé E
> Now, when I uncomment the line :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test/pipe# ./user
> user : j'ai envoyé A
> [CRTL-C] because the user program is blocking ...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/test/pipe# dmesg
> hello world
> kernel : j'ai bien reçu A
> kernel : ret = -4
> kernel :j'ai envoyé E

That looks like a correct behaviour to me: the kernel module is trying
to read from pipe1 (MyPipe0, /dev/rtp0) and is blocked on it. The
user-space tool tries to do the same (is this intended BTW?). Then the
user-space program gets terminate, thus pipe1 is cleaned up. During that
cleanup all RT-readers on the pipe are woken up with -EINTR as return
code [1].

> Now, ret=-4 is the code for -EINTR. According to the doc :
> "-EINTR is returned if rt_task_unblock() has been called for the waiting
> task before any data was available."
> I cannot see where rt_task_unblock() could be called. What is wrong ?

Ok, the documentation is insufficient here. We should actually add the
second reason for EINTR as sketched above.



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