Jan Kiszka wrote:
 > Giammarco Zacheo wrote:
 > > Just installed kernel with Xenomai 2.4-rc7 on my quad-core
 > > machine, and I got this on the console:
 > > 
 > ...
 > > 
 > > I-pipe: Domain Xenomai registered.
 > > Xenomai: hal/x86_64 started.
 > > Xenomai: real-time nucleus v2.4-rc7 (Bells Of Lal) loaded.
 > > Xenomai: SMI-enabled chipset found
 > > Xenomai: SMI workaround failed!
 > And that's a different story, likely. Can you post your lspci -nn?

"SMI workaround failed" does not mean that the chipset is not supported,
it means that the chipset is supported but that masking/settting the SMI
bits failed, probably because the BIOS locked the SMI bits.


                                            Gilles Chanteperdrix.

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