Philippe Gerum wrote:
> It would be nice to known whether the latency test from the testsuite 
> has correct latency figures, so that we could rule out any SMI issue.

See my reply to Jan Kiszka. The max is 55us, but I've just noticed that
starting xawtv using the bttv driver causes an overrun in the latency
test, but that may be unrelated.

> > Anyway, the erratic execution times come and go with the smallest
> > changes in the program e.g. moving the delay into it's own function or
> > creating functions for timing the delay loop, so I wouldn't be too
> > surprised if the problem can't be reproduced.
> > 
> What /proc/xenomai/stat says during execution btw?

Here's /proc/xenomai/stat sampled every four seconds:

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572094   0     00500080  ROOT

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572110   0     00500080  ROOT
  0  28088  1/0        8          0     00380084  timed-task
  0  28089  8/7        15         0     00300081  display-task

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572164   0     00500080  ROOT
  0  28088  1/0        35         0     00380084  timed-task
  0  28089  35/34      69         0     00300081  display-task

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572216   0     00500080  ROOT
  0  28088  1/0        61         0     00380084  timed-task
  0  28089  61/60      121        0     00300081  display-task

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572272   0     00500080  ROOT
  0  28088  1/0        89         0     00380084  timed-task
  0  28089  89/88      177        0     00300081  display-task

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT      NAME
  0  0      0/0        42572296   0     00500080  ROOT

> > Also, I found that using rt_timer_spin() instead of a real busy loop
> > does not have the same problem, which indicates that the simple busy
> > loop is in fact being interrupted during execution.
> > 
> Just to rule this out, maybe you could try something along these lines:
>               iopl(3)
> ...
>               asm("cli");
>                   RTIME prev_tsc = rt_timer_tsc();
>                   my_processing();
>                   RTIME tsc = rt_timer_tsc();
>               asm("sti");

Case 1: the original data was the case of the busy loop in a function &
interrupts enabled.
  1:  40.017 ms
  2:  40.017 ms
  3:  53.357 ms
  4:  53.356 ms
  5:  40.017 ms
  6:  40.020 ms
  7:  53.355 ms
  8:  40.020 ms
  9:  40.017 ms
10:  53.356 ms

Case 2: as suggested, this is the case of having the busy loop in a
function & interrupts disabled.
  1:  53.316 ms
  2:  53.316 ms
  3:  53.316 ms
  4:  53.316 ms
  5:  53.316 ms
  6:  106.632 ms
  7:  53.316 ms
  8:  106.632 ms
  9:  35.544 ms
 10:  39.987 ms

It appears to have made the situation worse?! Note:
35.544 = 39.987 * 8/9
53.316 = 39.987 * 12/9
106.632 = 39.987 * 24/9
OK, sending me crazy enough without delving to numerological lows.
Next I tried two more cases...

Case 3: busy loop inline & interrupts enabled.
  1:  35.571 ms
  2:  40.019 ms
  3:  40.020 ms
  4:  40.017 ms
  5:  40.017 ms
  6:  40.019 ms
  7:  40.017 ms
  8:  40.020 ms
  9:  40.017 ms
 10:  40.019 ms
 55:  53.357 ms

Case 4: busy loop inline & interrupts disabled.
  1:  39.987 ms
  2:  39.987 ms
  3:  39.987 ms
  4:  39.987 ms
  5:  39.987 ms
  6:  39.987 ms
  7:  39.987 ms
  8:  39.987 ms
  9:  39.987 ms
 10:  39.987 ms

Oooooh, that last one looks good :) But even it has produced a 106.632ms

> Out of curiosity, I'd also be interested in looking at the assembly dump 
> of my_process in the working and non-working cases.

Well, from the above tests the problem appears to always be there, just
to varying degrees - I no longer believe there is a working case on my
PC. Disabling interrupts removes some noise from the signal, but the
real problem persists. The large increase in computation time (many ms)
appears to be quantized, made more visible by disabling interrupts. I
guess placing the delay in a function is simply pushing the execution
time into the next quantization level. The assembly all looks about the
same between cases:

Case 1: busy loop in a function & interrupts enabled.
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        movl    $80000000, %eax
        .p2align 4,,15
        decl    %eax
        jne     .L2
        popl    %ebp
        call    rt_timer_tsc
        movl    %eax, %ebx
        movl    %edx, %esi
        call    my_processing
        call    rt_timer_tsc

Case 2: busy loop in a function & interrupts disabled.
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        movl    $80000000, %eax
        .p2align 4,,15
        decl    %eax
        jne     .L2
        popl    %ebp
        call    rt_timer_tsc
        movl    %eax, %ebx
        movl    %edx, %esi
        call    my_processing
        call    rt_timer_tsc

Case 3: busy loop inline & interrupts enabled.
        call    rt_timer_tsc
        movl    %eax, %ebx
        movl    %edx, %esi
        movl    $80000000, %eax
        .p2align 4,,15
        decl    %eax
        jne     .L13
        call    rt_timer_tsc

Case 4: busy loop inline & interrupts disabled.
        call    rt_timer_tsc
        movl    %eax, %ebx
        movl    %edx, %esi
        movl    $80000000, %eax
        .p2align 4,,15
        decl    %eax
        jne     .L13
        call    rt_timer_tsc

Disabling USB legacy had no effect - was already using a driver that
should disable it anyway.

Disabling ACPI caused Case 1&3 to look more alike, and Case 2&4 to
look more alike - it's still remains that:
1) when interrupts are disabled the noise level reduces
2) when interrupts are disabled delays are introduced less often
3) with interrupts enabled or disabled, large quantized delays occur
Point 2) could be due to point 1).

I have no idea what to try next but thanks for the advice. I think some
progress was made :)


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