Brandt Erickson wrote:
>> Ok, things get clearer. But why a kernel module? Are you *that* short on
>> CPU cycles?
> The reason why I'm trying to develop a kernel-space application is not for
> latency issues but because I need to be in kernel-space to read/write
> to/from my DAC.

ioperm() or iopl() not applicable?

> Is the IPC between kernel-space realtime and user-space
> non-realtime that much more difficult the user-space realtime to
> user-space non-realtime?  I've familiar with regular user-space IPC using
> condition variables, semaphores, and shared memory, so if it's fairly
> similar, I'm hoping that won't be a problem.

That's feasible as well, and the API is identical. It's just the
difference of writing two separate applications instead of a single
multi-threaded one plus the additional effort for dealing with modules
(building, loading, unloading).


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