Gilles Chanteperdrix :
>> But when I start my application I still get just Linux threads and no 
>> Xenomai 
>> shadow tasks are created. Can anybody give me a hint how I can controll what
>> kind of thread is created ?> 

> Normally, any thread created with pthread_create has a 
> shadow. Whether they are started in primary mode depends on 
> their scheduling policy.

I think this was the hint I have been looking for.
Now I set some attributes explicitly :
   nResult = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
   ASSERT(nResult == 0);
   nResult = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO);
   ASSERT(nResult == 0);
(although this should be the default)

But when I create a thread with 
 nResult = pthread_create(&tid, &attr, (void *) & body, pTask);
pthread_create returns with 4=Interrupted system call. Unfortunatelly this 
return value is not documented. Can you tell me what it means ? 

> Could you try reducing your problem to a program as simple as 
> possible, and send us the sources of this program ? 

I´ll try this when I am not succesfull in starting threads with the changed 
attributes (see above).

> How do 
> you know that no shadow threads are created ?

I had a look in /proc/xenomai/sched and couldn´t see any Xenomai-task. Isn´t 
this the usual way ?

Thanks a lot

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