Am Montag, 18. Dezember 2006 15:39 schrieb Gilles Chanteperdrix:
> Jan Kiszka wrote:
> > @all: please give the -rc3 tar.bz2 hell! New files can easily slip
> > through the developer fingers when it comes to distribution (I know this
> > very well /wrt RTnet...).
> The way around this is to run automated scripts using the result of a
> make distcheck instead of using an svn checkout. Niklaus, how hard would
> it be to change the buildbot to do this ?
What do you want the buildbot do to exactly?
a) First svn checkout followed by make distcheck?  This is easy. eg. I would 
just add an additional step before the "configured

b) Grab tarballs, extract them to clean directory? Here I need to study the 
buildbot a bit better, as it does no concept for tarballs as ChangeSources. 
But I might write a small script which polls and for new tarballs. If found I would 
unpack it somewhere and submit the change to some new builders Buildbot 
(similar to the /buildbot-full/).
This will probably take a few hours of work, but quite for some time I felt 
uncomfortable about neither testing branches nor releases.
If this solution works I would suggest that the release manager should delay 
announcing the availability of a new releases till he has examined the 
results of the buildbot.

What variant do you prefer?

Best regards

P.S: I still the following error when running the simulator testsuite:
Some problems were reported in:
vxworks->t010823-2:t010823-2.c:163: Expected sequence: SEQ("Test2",2004); got 
vxworks->t010823-2: <b> t010823-2.c:166, test finished: 1 failures/ 33 tests
(Just fixed an error running the test_sim.rb in the buildbot).

Niklaus Giger

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