On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Fabien MAHOT
>  OK, we can see that there is the same problem. T1 thread prempts Main
>  Thread during the pthread_create of T2 with Xenomai and not with Linux
>  standard. I would like to know why.
>  I don't that there is a difference beetween the posix Linux pthread_create
>  and the posix Xenomai pthread_create ?
>  If pthread_create suspends a short time its caller, why we don t have the
>  same behaviour in the two cases ?
>  In my opinion, there is a problem with Xenomai, no ?
>  I hope that you could help me. thank you

Could you try the attached patch ? It should give you the illusion
that pthread_create caller is not suspended if your glibc has none of
the bugs we worked around.

That said, I really think that you should not rely on this behaviour
of pthread_create, because it is not garanteed by the posix standard,
besides, it will not work with broken glibcs. And in fact, a usual
rule is not to rely on scheduler priorities for mutual exclusion, but
rather to make it explicit by using mutex or semaphores.

 Gilles Chanteperdrix

Attachment: xeno-posix-fix-pthread_create.diff
Description: Binary data

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