> The set of services which you can call from a real-time 
> thread without loosing determinism are those found in the 
> Xenomai posix skin documentation:
> http://www.xenomai.org/documentation/xenomai-2.5/html/api/grou
> p__posix.html
> Other than that, any service emitting a syscall causes a 
> switch to secondary mode. What remains are services not 
> emitting syscalls, and for these ones, all bets are off.
> -- 
>                                           Gilles.

I guess that is my point though.  Not being all too familiar with the
inner workings of Linux or glibc, how am I supposed to know which
services are not emitting a syscall?  I accept that I will lose
determinism in calling these services, but I find it odd that it may
allow the system to deadlock.

If nothing else the syscall-less services should be listed and noted as
unsafe.  I am new to most of this, but I have went through most of the
documentation and, unless I have overlooked it, found nothing mentioning

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