
I'm beginning to work with periodical task in xenomai. Currently I'm using rt_task_set_periodic.

The third parameter RTIME period allows to specify the period in clock ticks (taken from : http://www.xenomai.org/documentation/xenomai-2.5/html/api/group__task.html).

I would like to know how can I get information from the clock tick (which is the value? , can be changed ?) ?

Why Is the minimum period I can use in user space ? (experimentally it seems to be 0.1ms in my system)
Working in kernel space this period is lower ?

When using the POSIX skin
int pthread_make_periodic_np ( pthread_t thread,struct timespec * starttp,struct timespec * periodtp )
the resolution is the same ? (performance will be the same ?)

Is there any simple approach to develop a periodic task using the POSIX commands (pthread_cond_timedwait <group__posix__cond.html#gfc43955fc3f1cb43723a9e0be19d0ad1> ?) ?

Thank you in advance
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