On 04/02/2012 04:12 PM, Minh GIANG wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Do the Analogy driver support the serial port. I can attach the serial
> port(ttyS0) to rtser0 with xeno_16550A.ko as mentionned in Xenomai
> Documentation
> modprobe xeno_16550A io=<io1>[,<io2>...] irq=<irq1>[,<irq2>...]
>                      [baud_base=<base1>[,<base2>...]]
>                      [tx_fifo=<len1>[,<len2>...]] [start_index=<index>]
> How can i tell to  the Analogy driver to recognize the serial port in
> order to use the Analogy API. i have seen the command
> /xeno_install/sbin/analogy_config analogy0 analogy_ni_pcimio 
> i think that analogy_ni_pcimio is the drivers suppors of National
> Instruments PCI / PXI cards. But i don't have the DAQ card yet,
> currently i test with two serial ports on my computer while connecting
> them by one cable. the first aim is to test the api analogy.
> Thanks,
> when i try to add the analogy_ni_pcimio module over terminal linux. i
> get one message error
> insmod analogy_ni_pcimio.ko
> analogy_ni_pcimio.ko : -1 Unknown symbol in module

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