On 04/07/2012 07:33 AM, Anisha Kaul wrote:
> Greetings,
> From here: http://www.xenomai.org/index.php/Xenomai:Roadmap#Xenomai_3_FAQ
> Quote:
>> the target hardware platform has limited horsepower, and/or you want the 
>> real-time job to put the smallest possible overhead on your system. This is 
>> where dual kernels are usually better than a native preemption system.
> Preempt_rt does preempt the whole Linux. In what way does preempting
> Linux put load on the system?

I think you are misunderstanding what preempt_rt is, preempt_rt does 
not preempt linux, preempt_rt is simply linux modified, when a linux 
kernel patched with preempt_rt runs, nothing else than linux runs, so 
nothing preempts the whole linux. This is achieved by means which have 
a global overhead on the whole system. The exact means are described on 
the rt wiki FAQ:

Note the answer to FAQ 3, which explains that improving latencies is a
trade off, and means degrading the average performances of the system.
That is the overhead we are talking about.


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