On 04/11/2012 10:58 AM, Alessio Margan @ IIT wrote:
Hi all,

when I try to unload xeno_nucleus module I get a kernel panic and on the
next power on the bios system date is reset.
when configure xenomai nucleus built into the kernel I can reboot correctly.

Kernel panic log would help.

In the bios I disabled HPET and most of the things regarding PM and ACPI.

Here attached same info about system and kernel config.

If possible, I prefer have xenomai configured as modules, is there
anything wrong about my system configuration ?

This should not be a configuration issue. Either some kernel-based Xenomai threads (e.g. RTDM driver thread) are still running when attempting to unload the nucleus, or a real-time IRQ is still hooked to a handler being unmapped, or there is a nucleus bug.




Alessio Margan
/Senior Technician/
mail me <mailto:alessio.mar...@iit.it>

Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova

www.iit.it <http://www.iit.it>

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