On 01/06/2014 10:54 PM, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
> On 01/06/2014 10:52 PM, Nima Nourozi wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Gilles Chanteperdrix <
>> gilles.chanteperd...@xenomai.org> wrote:
>>> On 01/06/2014 08:10 PM, Nima Nourozi wrote:
>>>> Here is the task initialization code:
>>>> *rtdm_printk("kicking of tasklet...\n");*
>>>> * retval = rtdm_task_init(&heartbeat_task, "spi_transfer",
>>>> xx_start_transfer, NULL, 99, 100000000 /* 100 ms */);*
>>>> * __ipipe_serial_debug("*******return value = %d\n", retval);*
>>>> * if(retval)*
>>>> * {*
>>>> * __ipipe_serial_debug("error initializing task: %i\n", retval);*
>>>> * }*
>>>> Here is the task function:
>>>> void xx_start_transfer(void *arg)
>>>> {
>>>> int ret;
>>>> while (1) {
>>>> ret = rtdm_task_wait_period();
>>>> __ipipe_serial_debug("*******return value = %d\n", ret);
>>>> gpio_set_value(LED, 1);
>>>> rtdm_task_sleep(0);
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>> I can not reproduce your problem, it works fine here. Could you post the
>>> full code of a simplified driver which triggers the problem ?
>>> --
>>>                                                                 Gilles.
>> Sure, please find it attached. It's just the standard atmel_spi.c with
>> task_init command added in atmel_spi_probe() function.
> Whatever happened to "simplified"? Please try to reduce your code to the
> minimum code which triggers the bug. By doing so, you may even find the
> problem yourself.
For instance, following your bug report, I wrote the following module:

#include <rtdm/rtdm_driver.h>

static rtdm_task_t t;

void xx_start_transfer(void *arg)

int init(void)
        rtdm_task_init(&t, "spi_transfer", xx_start_transfer, NULL, 99, 
        return 0;


Which works here. As I said, you can confirm whether rtdm_task_init 
works for your configuration by launching latency -t 1 -p 100000


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