On 01/29/2014 03:13 PM, Marco Tessore wrote:
Good morning,
I am a newbie of Xenomai, and I'm trying to patch a modified (non
vanilla) Linux kernel 3.11.0rc3 for ARM architecture (Freescale iMx28)
with Xenomai 2.6.3.
To achieve this goal I have modified, then applied the patch
ipipe-core-3.8.13-arm-3, but, probably because of my changes, something
seems to not work properly.

Note that:
- you may use the I-pipe kernel for 3.10 as a base for 3.11.0rc3, available here:
git://git.kernel.org/ipipe.git branch stable/ipipe-3.10.18
- using an rc kernel is bad idea
- how to port Xenomai on new ARM processors is documented here:


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