On 02/06/2014 06:26 PM, Philippe Gerum wrote:
On 02/06/2014 05:25 PM, Marcel van Mierlo wrote:

I've been investigating this for a couple of days and would really
appreciate some insight
on what might be going on or what I can do to progress this...

I am porting a legacy pSOS application - to Xenomai on BeagleBoard Black
3.8 kernel
and have noticed %CPU (via. top) of MAIN around 40% when using q_send,
and doing no "work".

Surprisingly,  if I add a printf() and fflush() to the task body then
the CPU drops down to < 1%.

I've checked compile options, nothing obviously wrong. Here is the
(abridged) body of the task.
It just provides a periodic message for watchdog purposes.

[%CPU ~%40]
     q_send(ulCanTQid, (INT32 *)&oCanMsg);
     tm_wkafter(100);  // ~100ms

[%CPU < %1]
     q_send(ulCanTQid, (INT32 *)&oCanMsg);
     tm_wkafter(100);  // ~100ms


there is a task calling q_receive on the queue, but I have stubbed out
any work to keep it as simple as possible.

root@arm:~# cat /proc/xenomai/version

Here is xenomai/stat when running at ~40 %CPUfrom top. I presume that
ROOT/0 represents the
Xenomai/I-PIPE kernel. Nothing is reported as hogging the CPU....

Every 2.0s: cat /proc/xenomai/stat                      Sat Jan  1
00:09:03 2000

CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT       %CPU  NAME
   0  0      0          186436     0     00500080   94.2  ROOT/0
   0  2882   16         427        0     00300380    0.0  MAIN
   0  2883   0          54128      0     00300184    1.0 onemsscheduler
   0  2884   0          542        0     00300184    0.0  FREE
   0  2885   0          1499       0     00300184    0.0  flsh
   0  2886   0          1          0     00300182    0.0  EWRN
   0  2887   0          45158      0     00300186    0.8  EEDT
   0  2888   0          53921      0     00300184    1.4  RESP
   0  2889   1          1          0     00300380    0.0  SERV
   0  2890   0          10784      0     00300184    0.4  CMND
   0  2891   2          1370       0     00300186    0.1  SERP
   0  2896   0          53080      0     00300184    0.8  SERO
   0  2899   0          536        0     00300186    0.0  CANP
   0  2900   0          1          0     00300182    0.0  CANG
   0  2901   0          1          0     00300182    0.0  CANE
   0  2902   0          315        0     00300182    0.0  CANT
   0  2903   1          1          0     00300380    0.0  CNMN
   0  2904   236        628        0     00300184    0.0  CIOW
   0  0      0          699350     0     00000000    1.0  IRQ83: [timer]

So questions are:

- Why does the %CPU under xenomai/stat not reflect whats reported by top

Because top reports the CPU consumed when Linux is active, which
excludes Xenomai activity.

(where is the 40% going)?

Good question.

- How can I track down the high CPU load?

Could you obtain a report from Xenomai's rtps command? This one reports
real-time cycles.

- Why would using printf and fflush make such a massive difference to
%CPU? The application is not busy waiting or doing any CPU intensive

Which kernel version, I-pipe release and CPU architecture are you
running on?

Please ignore this question. I missed this info from your past mail, so ARM and 3.8 it seems.


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