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On 02/06/2014 04:27 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> A Dijous, 6 de febrer de 2014, Gilles Chanteperdrix va escriure:
>> On 02/06/2014 01:28 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
>>> A Dijous, 6 de febrer de 2014, Gilles Chanteperdrix va
>>> escriure:
>>>> On 02/06/2014 12:09 PM, Philippe Gerum wrote:
>>>>> On 02/06/2014 11:58 AM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> we are trying to develop an application using xddp
>>>>>> protocol. We use as
>>> base,
>>>>>> the xddp-label exaample that compiles and run perfectly
>>>>>> in our system (Xenomai-2.6.3 with Linux 3.8.13).
>>>>>> Our app is different from the xddp example because we
>>>>>> have encapsulated
>>> the
>>>>>> realtime thread in a task, that it's in a library. We can
>>>>>> run the
>>> task,called
>>>>>> from another part, and it rus.
>>>>>> Our task create two sockets, one to receive from the NRT
>>>>>> and another to
>>> send.
>>>>>> Yes, I know that we could do it in just one socket, but
>>>>>> by design we
> must
>>> do
>>>>>> it in the way.
>>>>>> Our main problem is when the RT task try to open the
>>>>>> socket, the ipc device isn't created. The error that
>>>>>> appears is:"socket: Address family
>>> not
>>>>>> supported by protocol". I attach the real-time task code
>>>>>> below.
>>>>>> The xddp works, because the examples works. We have
>>>>>> several /dev/rtpX
> and
>>> when
>>>>>> we run the example the
>>>>>> /proc/xenomai/registry/rtipc/xddp/xddp-label is created.
>>>>>> Someone could give us some idea about what are we doing
>>>>>> wrong?
>>>>> Your application is likely not wrapping POSIX symbols
>>>>> properly, calling regular socket() instead of the Xenomai
>>>>> implementation. Check examples/rtdm/profiles/ipc/Makefile
>>>>> for LDLIBS. You must have --wrap or 
>>>>> -Wl,@/some/path/posix.wrappers appearing in your link
>>>>> flags, for the wrapping to take place properly.
>>>> See also:
> https://www.xenomai.org/index.php/Porting_POSIX_applications_to_Xenomai#Compilation_flags
Thanks for the answers.
>>> However, the pandora box has been open. :-(
>>> We are using a modified version of SOEM [1][2] where the posix
>>> calls and selected in function of a defines.
>>> We have not used any posix skin, if not native and rtdm. Using
>>> that
> wrapper
>>> have done that our lib doesn't work. All of our programs
>>> receive an
>>> (CPU time limit exceeded). It's not easy for us with that.
>> SIGXCPU is in fact Xenomai's SIGDEBUG. See
>> examples/native/sigdebug.c to find out why you receive SIGDEBUG.
>> My bet would be that you are missing mlockall. That said, Xenomai
>> should issue the mlockall automatically, you simply have to take
>> care of putting xenomai libraries at the end of the link-edit
>> command line, so that xenomai libraries are loaded first.
> Ok,
> now it works, half work. So, it could be equivalent if I call the
> mlockall function in the entry point of the lib? I mean, if I
> create a init function of the lib and when I load it, mlockall is
> called.

If the library uses xenomai posix skin services (through wrapping),
mlockall is not sufficient, the xenomai posix skin library has an
initialization function which must be called first. Getting a library
written for Linux implementation to work with xenomai requires several
changes (which the document posted in answer to your first question
tries to document). So, if you do not need this library to run in
primary mode, I suggest you stick to your original plan which was to
use RTDM without the posix skin wrapping.

>>> So, can we use the xddp protocol from native? Which functions
>>> we should
> use to
>>> send/receive, etc?
>> See:
> http://www.xenomai.org/documentation/xenomai-2.6/html/api/group__userapi.html
>  good, done. Perfect. However we are having problems because _only_
> one label is created. I suppose that there's no limit of the number
> of sockets created in the RT thread, no?

Please try and reduce the problematic program to the minimal
self-contained test case which we can run to reproduce the issue you have.

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