On 08/15/2014 11:03 AM, Philippe Gerum wrote:
> On 08/15/2014 12:36 AM, Jorge Ramirez Ortiz wrote:
>> On 08/11/2014 05:48 PM, Jeff Webb wrote:
>>> On 08/11/2014 10:33 AM, Matthew Lindner wrote:
>>>> Has anyone experimented with using std::thread from the C++ STL library? I
>>>> am curious if it automatically incorporates the xenomai pthread API layer
>>>> or whether it bypasses that and accesses the linux pthread library.
>>> Yes, I've tried this and it has worked for me.
>> some years ago I presented this at XUM 2009.
>> Some of the recommendations are no longer valid - user space drivers for 
>> instance
>> (this project was before RTDM) - but we did use Xenomai to successfully 
>> deploy a
>> large scale C++ software project.
>> http://www.denx.de/en/pub/News/Xum2009AbstractsAndPresentations/Xenomai_and_Realtime_Image_Processing_Control.pdf
> Thanks for reminding me, I have referenced this material from our
> website at http://xenomai.org/start-here/#Other_readings.

Maybe it would make sense to link to:

So that people have easy access to all the presentations.


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