El Dimecres, 27 de maig de 2015, a les 17:57:32, Gilles Chanteperdrix va 
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 03:43:18PM +0200, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
> > On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 01:49:20PM +0200, Philippe Gerum wrote:
> > > On 05/27/2015 01:09 PM, Henning Schild wrote:
> > > > On Wed, 27 May 2015 11:21:33 +0200
> > > > 
> > > > Philippe Gerum <r...@xenomai.org> wrote:
> > > >> You mean this?
> > > >> 
> > > >> http://git.xenomai.org/xenomai-3.git/commit/?id=571ec165ad6a22d3f93f6
> > > >> 197b64eb8edba8fbee4> > > 
> > > > Ahh. Yes i meant this. The actual conclusion of the discussion to this
> > > > patch was to revert the change that introduced the problem and not
> > > > apply my patch. But for me either way is fine.
> > > 
> > > Actually, the right approach is to move xeno-config to the base package,
> > > since it now delivers information about the runtime system as well.
> > > 
> > > > I also referred to another change i suggested and am still waiting for
> > > > feedback:
> > > > https://xenomai.org/pipermail/xenomai/2015-April/034105.html
> > > 
> > > Looks ok. I'll pick that one unless Gilles pulls the break for any
> > > debian-specific issue.
> > 
> > No, that is fine by me. As of 2014, I have stopped being a Debian
> > user (after being one for 17 years), so, I care less and less about
> > it, I have reached a point where everything about this distribution
> > seems over-designed, gets in the way on the desktop of someone who
> > mainly does software development, and paradoxically lead to bad
> > quality software.
> > 
> > In any case, I am no longer running Debian on my desktop, and
> > restarting a server to test a Xenomai release is out of the
> > question, so it would not be easy for me to test Debian packaging.
> > Since we do not really have a Debian maintainer (and we never did
> > really have one judging by the work the person that claimed to be
> > one did), I would be in favor of dropping the ball and removing the
> > debian directory, unless someone steps up for assuming this role,
> > but I mean, with a real intention of commitment to the task.

It's sad to me that a debian user with a long experience like you have 
abandoned the distro. But I'm sure that you will have a good reasons. Anyway, 
please, share them and we could try to improve that.

> Just to add something more to the subject: I do not think being the
> debian maintainer of the Xenomai package is a hard task. I mean come
> on, it is just basically a Makefile shorter than some other
> Makefiles in the project. But this requires staying in touch with
> the Debian project to know what the "good practices" are, what
> practices have become deprecated and what new debian helper could
> make the packaging even simpler, things I do not care to do. In any
> case, this should be a good reason not to botch the task. A botched
> hard task is easier to understand than a botched easy task.

Just to inform, because i have been in silence all this thread that some weeks 
ago (maybe two month) I contacted with the debian maintainer of xenomai. I 
offered my help because I was interested in maintain the package. We finally 
will work together, and the debian directory will be hosted in collab-maint 
git, in alioth, a git server of debian.

Said that, because time constraints of the last weeks, I'm just in the 
beginning of review all the packaging of xenomai. I will begin with 2.6.4 and 
after that, I will jump to 3.0 when you released an official one. So, don't try 
to find anything there, because I have nothing done. I will try to inform the 
list about my progress.

Anyway, the idea is to drop your debian directory and put a new one, trying to 
use the "good practices" and the updated debhelper tools. I will try to keep 
the package in a good shape, sync with the upstream last versions, at least in 
unstable. If I could, some backport (because I used it) could be possible.

Best regards,


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