Hi All,

On further experimentation, I still feel that rt_intr_enable may be causing my 
user space int handler to jump into secondary domain.

My User space int handler is very simple. It does the following:
1. Get the event that caused the int by reading the UCCE register.
2. Enable the interrupt again using rt_intr_enable.

So my expectation is that as soon as the user space int handler thread is 
scheduled, I am hoping to see the rt_intr_enable syscall. All the same, I 
notice a relax of the thread and other threads start executing. Eventually 
after around 250ms the rt_intr_enable is called and the int get's enabled.

Here are the events from the file "frozen_with_rt_intr_enable.txt"

HW int:
:|  + begin   0x00000021  -597+   1.303  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x40 
:|  + func                -595    0.772  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|  + func                -595+   1.287  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func                -593+   1.560  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func                -592+   1.318  qe_ic_get_low_irq+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x0000002b  -590    0.393  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x28 

User space thread doing rt_intr_wait is scheduled immediately:
:|  # [21434] -<?>-  257  -573+   4.166  xnpod_resume_thread+0x134 
:|  # func                -569+   1.090  __xnpod_schedule+0x8 
:|  # [21431] -<?>-   93  -568    0.712  __xnpod_schedule+0x150 
:|  # func                -567+   1.833  xnsched_pick_next+0x8 
:|  # [21434] -<?>-  257  -565    0.575  __xnpod_schedule+0x4bc 

User space thread doing rt_intr_wait starts running:
:|  # func                -561    0.742  __ipipe_restore_head+0x8 
(__rt_intr_wait+0x2b8 [xeno_native])
:|  + end     0x80000000  -561    0.984  __ipipe_restore_head+0xa4 
(__rt_intr_wait+0x2b8 [xeno_native])

Thread does a syscall rt_intr_enable:
:|  + begin   0x80000001  -560    0.803  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x144 
:|  + end     0x80000001  -559+   2.484  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x1b0 
:   + func                -556    0.681  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x80000001  -556    0.924  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x1dc 
:|  + end     0x80000001  -555    0.424  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x110 
:   + func                -554    0.666  ipipe_syscall_hook+0x8 

It is interpreted as a linux call:
:   + func                -554    0.909  hisyscall_event+0x8 
:   + func                -553    0.969  xnshadow_relax+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x80000000  -552+   1.015  xnshadow_relax+0x1f8 
:|  # func                -551+   1.545  schedule_linux_call+0x8 
:|  # func                -549+   1.606  __ipipe_set_irq_pending+0x8 
:|  # func                -548+   2.363  xnpod_suspend_thread+0x8 
:|  # func                -545    0.545  __ipipe_restore_head+0x8 
:|  + end     0x80000000  -545    0.636  __ipipe_restore_head+0xa4 

User space int handler is suspended:
:|  + begin   0x80000000  -544    0.939  xnpod_suspend_thread+0x538 
:|  # func                -543    0.818  __xnpod_schedule+0x8 
:|  # [21434] -<?>-  257  -543    0.515  __xnpod_schedule+0x150 
:|  # func                -542+   1.045  xnsched_pick_next+0x8 
:|  # [21431] -<?>-   93  -541    0.530  __xnpod_schedule+0x4bc 

250ms later the rt_intr_enable get's to run and enables the int:
:    +func                -251+   1.818  xnsynch_detect_claimed_relax+0x8 
:    +func                -250+   1.242  __rt_intr_enable+0x8 [xeno_native] 
:    +func                -248+   1.590  xnregistry_fetch+0x8 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x60 [xeno_native])
:    +func                -247+   1.196  rt_intr_enable+0x8 [xeno_native] 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x6c [xeno_native])
:|   +begin   0x80000000  -246+   1.712  rt_intr_enable+0x210 [xeno_native] 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x6c [xeno_native])
:|  *+func                -244    0.848  xnintr_enable+0x8 
(rt_intr_enable+0x1f4 [xeno_native])

Next int is seen as soon as the int is enabled:
:|   +func                -233+   1.318  ipic_get_irq+0x8 
:|   +begin   0x00000021  -232    0.636  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x40 
:|   +func                -231    0.803  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|   +func                -230    0.742  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|   +func                -229+   1.439  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|   +func                -228    0.954  qe_ic_get_low_irq+0x8 
:|   +begin   0x0000002b  -227    0.515  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x28 

To further confirm the theory, I replaced the rt_intr_enable call with code to 
enable the int by directly accessing the quicc engine memory map. Thus I 
avoided the syscall. The next ipipe trace shows that the sequence of events is 
as expected i.e.:

1. Get the event that caused the int by reading the UCCE register.
2. Enable the interrupt again using rt_intr_enable.

Here are the events from the file "frozen_no_rt_intr_enable_20151006.txt"

HW int:
:|   +begin   0x00000021  -170    0.560  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x40 
:|   +func                -170    0.803  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|   +func                -169+   1.015  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|   +func                -168+   1.393  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|   +func                -166    0.984  qe_ic_get_low_irq+0x8 
:|   +begin   0x0000002b  -165    0.469  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x28 

User space handler scheduled immediately:
:|  # [ 8375] -<?>-  257  -151+   3.075  xnpod_resume_thread+0x134 
:|  # func                -148+   1.227  __xnpod_schedule+0x8 
:|  # [ 8318] rsyslog -1  -147    0.530  __xnpod_schedule+0x150 
:|  # func                -146+   1.500  xnsched_pick_next+0x8 
:|  # [ 8375] -<?>-  257  -145    0.545  __xnpod_schedule+0x4bc 

I generate the trace after enabling int:
:   + func                 -33    0.666  ipipe_syscall_hook+0x8 
:   + func                 -32+   1.272  hisyscall_event+0x8 
:   + func                 -31+   1.227  xnshadow_sys_trace+0x8 

Next int is seen within 150us.
:|  + begin   0x00000021   -20    0.848  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x40 
:|  + func                 -19    0.878  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|  + func                 -18+   1.136  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func                 -17+   1.030  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func                 -16+   1.106  qe_ic_get_low_irq+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x0000002b   -15    0.484  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x28 

As noted from the traces, when I don't use rt_intr_enable, the time from HW int 
to int enable is less than 150us. On the contrary while using rt_intr_enable it 
takes 250ms to renable the int. I think it is due to the user space thread 
relaxing on rt_intr_enable.

Kindly feel free to point out any mistakes in my interpretation of the trace.

I would highly appreciate if you could advice on how prevent the int handler 
thread relaxation. It would help me get the int latency under control.

Thanks again.

Kind Rgds,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 4:24 PM
To: PRADHAN, MAKARAND (RC-CA); Philippe Gerum; Xenomai@xenomai.org
Subject: RE: [Xenomai] Interrupt latency close to 1ms on powerpc Xenomai 2.6.4

Hi All,

Kindly ignore my previous email. I think I tried to grab a mutex which caused 
it to relax. Sorry for that. I don't think rt_intr_enable is causing the relax.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 2:30 PM
To: PRADHAN, MAKARAND (RC-CA); Philippe Gerum; Xenomai@xenomai.org
Subject: RE: [Xenomai] Interrupt latency close to 1ms on powerpc Xenomai 2.6.4


Have one more int latency related issue.

I have noticed that my User space irq handler task is relaxing on invoking 

Note: As advised in the previous conversation, I have removed all references to 
sched locks (T_LOCK) in my code.

Details follow:

System config:
Xenomai: 2.6.4
Linux: 3.14
Processor: MPC8360E (powerpc)

I have a user space task doing an rt_intr_wait on int 42(2a). The only system 
call it makes is rt_intr_enable once it is ready to re enable the int:

The ipipe trace is attached to the email. Am posting my interpretation of the 
trace below.

I think that the system call is relaxing the thread causing other threads to be 
scheduled in:

Occurance of hw interrupt:
:|  + func               -1635+   1.651  ipic_get_irq+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x00000021 -1634    0.772  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x40 
:|  + func               -1633+   1.121  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|  + func               -1632+   2.166  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func               -1630+   1.818  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func               -1628+   1.287  qe_ic_get_low_irq+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x0000002a -1627    0.484  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x28 
:|  + func               -1626    0.939  __ipipe_dispatch_irq+0x8 
:|  + func               -1625    0.848  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func               -1625+   1.151  irq_to_desc+0x8 
:|  + func               -1623+   1.075  __ipipe_ack_level_irq+0x8 
:|  + func               -1622    0.893  qe_ic_mask_irq+0x8 
:|  + func               -1621+   1.742  __ipipe_spin_lock_irqsave+0x8 
:|  # func               -1620+   1.545  __ipipe_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x8 
:|  + func               -1618+   1.227  __ipipe_set_irq_pending+0x8 
:|  + end     0x0000002a -1617    0.893  qe_ic_cascade_low_ipic+0x3c 
:|  + func               -1616+   1.636  __ipipe_do_sync_stage+0x8 
:|  # func               -1615+   2.196  xnintr_irq_handler+0x8 
:|  # func               -1612+   1.318  rt_intr_handler+0x8 [xeno_native] 
:|  # func               -1611+   2.863  xnsynch_flush+0x8 
(rt_intr_handler+0x48 [xeno_native])
:|  # func               -1608+   1.484  xnpod_resume_thread+0x8 
:|  # [ 7962] -<?>-  257 -1607+   4.272  xnpod_resume_thread+0x134 
:|  # func               -1603+   1.212  __xnpod_schedule+0x8 
:|  # [ 7975] -<?>-   87 -1601    0.515  __xnpod_schedule+0x150 
:|  # func               -1601+   4.121  xnsched_pick_next+0x8 
:|  # [ 7962] -<?>-  257 -1597+   1.060  __xnpod_schedule+0x4bc 
:|  # func               -1596+   2.924  xnarch_save_fpu.isra.23+0x8 
:|  # func               -1593+   6.015  xnarch_restore_fpu+0x8 
:|  # func               -1587    0.666  __ipipe_restore_head+0x8 
(__rt_intr_wait+0x2b8 [xeno_native])
:|  + end     0x80000000 -1586+   1.893  __ipipe_restore_head+0xa4 
(__rt_intr_wait+0x2b8 [xeno_native])

The user space irq handler starts running at this point and does the 
rt_intr_enable syscall.:

:|  + begin   0x80000001 -1584    0.787  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x144 
:|  + end     0x80000001 -1584+   6.939  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x1b0 
:   + func               -1577    0.803  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x80000001 -1576    0.696  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x1dc 
:|  + end     0x80000001 -1575    0.500  __ipipe_notify_syscall+0x110 
:   + func               -1575    0.787  ipipe_syscall_hook+0x8 
:   + func               -1574+   1.575  hisyscall_event+0x8 

The thread relaxes for some reason:
:   + func               -1573    0.878  xnshadow_relax+0x8 
:|  + begin   0x80000000 -1572    0.848  xnshadow_relax+0x1f8 
:|  # func               -1571+   1.803  schedule_linux_call+0x8 
:|  # func               -1569+   2.075  __ipipe_set_irq_pending+0x8 
:|  # func               -1567+   2.166  xnpod_suspend_thread+0x8 
:|  # func               -1565    0.651  __ipipe_restore_head+0x8 
:|  + end     0x80000000 -1564    0.606  __ipipe_restore_head+0xa4 
:|  + begin   0x80000000 -1564    0.909  xnpod_suspend_thread+0x538 
:|  # func               -1563    0.803  __xnpod_schedule+0x8 

Other threads get scheduled in and start running happily:
:|  # [ 7962] -<?>-  257 -1562    0.500  __xnpod_schedule+0x150 
:|  # func               -1561+   1.515  xnsched_pick_next+0x8 
:|  # [ 7975] -<?>-   87 -1560    0.560  __xnpod_schedule+0x4bc 
:|  # func               -1559    0.757  xnarch_save_fpu.isra.23+0x8 
:|  # func               -1559+   1.818  xnarch_restore_fpu+0x8 
:|  + end     0x00000021 -1557    0.621  __ipipe_grab_irq+0x58 
:|  + func               -1556+   1.969  __ipipe_exit_irq+0x8 

The rt_intr_enable is finally invoked after close to 1ms:
:    +func                -495    0.924  xnshadow_send_sig+0x8 
:    +func                -494    0.893  schedule_linux_call+0x8 
:|   +begin   0x80000000  -493+   1.136  schedule_linux_call+0x128 
:|  *+func                -492+   1.015  __ipipe_set_irq_pending+0x8 
:|  *+func                -491    0.636  __ipipe_restore_head+0x8 
:|   +end     0x80000000  -491+   2.606  __ipipe_restore_head+0xa4 
:    +func                -488+   1.515  __rt_intr_enable+0x8 [xeno_native] 
:    +func                -487+   1.363  xnregistry_fetch+0x8 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x60 [xeno_native])
:    +func                -485    0.924  rt_intr_enable+0x8 [xeno_native] 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x6c [xeno_native])
:|   +begin   0x80000000  -484+   1.924  rt_intr_enable+0x210 [xeno_native] 
(__rt_intr_enable+0x6c [xeno_native])
:|  *+func                -483    0.833  xnintr_enable+0x8 
(rt_intr_enable+0x1f4 [xeno_native])
:|  *+func                -482    0.848  rthal_irq_enable+0x8 
:|  *+func                -481+   2.500  irq_to_desc+0x8 (rthal_irq_enable+0x30)
:|  *+func                -478+   1.136  irq_to_desc+0x8 (rthal_irq_enable+0x40)
:|  *+func                -477    0.833  qe_ic_unmask_irq+0x8 

I believe that this is causing a 1ms latency which is too high and our 
application cannot work properly.

Can you please advice on how I can avoid the relax?

Kind Rgds,

-----Original Message-----
From: Xenomai [mailto:xenomai-boun...@xenomai.org] On Behalf Of PRADHAN, 
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 1:14 PM
To: Philippe Gerum; Xenomai@xenomai.org
Subject: Re: [Xenomai] Interrupt latency close to 1ms on powerpc Xenomai 2.6.4

Thanks Philippe.

Will correct and retest for latency.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Gerum [mailto:r...@xenomai.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 12:16 PM
To: PRADHAN, MAKARAND (RC-CA); Xenomai@xenomai.org
Subject: Re: [Xenomai] Interrupt latency close to 1ms on powerpc Xenomai 2.6.4

On 09/29/2015 06:04 PM, PRADHAN, MAKARAND (RC-CA) wrote:
>> Are you playing with the T_LOCK bit?
> Yes. We do T_LOCK to lock the scheduler while we are in a critical section. 
> Is that why the scheduler does not kick in immediately after the HW int?

If the IRQ happens while some task holds the scheduler lock, the answer is yes, 
that is the point of it.

The scheduler lock is an ugly construct inherited from the dark ages of RTOS. 
Xenomai being about properly emulating these for running legacy code is the 
only reason why this anti-feature is present. I would strongly recommend to use 
a mutual exclusion mechanism with a finer granularity.


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