I've done some testing with the X-window suggestions at:

My results on an Intel PC with Xenomai 3.0.7, Linux 4.9, Debian 9.7 with
xfce4, worst-case latencies:
- Using Intel driver: 39.8 us
- Using fbdev, 34.8 us
- Setting Option "NoAccel", both with Intel and fbdev driver: 22.6 us
- No GUI:  6.3 us

So setting "NoAccel" helps in my case, but I'm also looking forward to
further improve it.


On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 07:29, Alec Ari via Xenomai <xenomai@xenomai.org>

> Firefox bumps latency up too, I wonder if the Xenomai pros have any advice
> on this. Good question! It'd be nice to do video editing and 4K encoding
> while doing real-time processes too.
> Alec

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