On 2/21/2020 10:10 AM, LOCHE Daniel via Xenomai wrote:
On 20/02/2020 à 22:36, steve freyder via Xenomai wrote:
On 2/20/2020 7:29 AM, LOCHE Daniel via Xenomai wrote:
Hello everyone,

I a currently factoring my application to go from a multi-thread one to a multi-process one (C++11). I am using Xenomai 3.0.5 on Linux Mint 18.04 (on a Intel 8250U computer), 90% alchemy library (10% posix). (either processes or tasks, let's call all of those "tasks" here after for easier understanding)

*Context : *Basically, during the setup phase of the execution, previously I was reading a list of "task" parameters from a file and launched consequently the correct amount of rt_task_create() / launch() from my main process. All my RT_TASK links to the threads were stored in the main thread to manage them.

Now, I have to go through a fork() for every task, followed by a rt_task_shadow(). OK. But to get in my main process the link to the RT_TASK of every xenomai process created, I have to use rt_task_bind(). Issue is here : whatever arguments I give to rt_task_bind(), it blocks as long as the searched task name exists... don't know why.

Here is a sample code bellow ... what is wrong exactly ? Is it possible to use rt_task_bind with inter-process tasks..? Why the "TM_NONBLOCK" does nothing..? Thanks for your help.


#include <alchemy/task.h>
#include <alchemy/timer.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main ()

    const char* taskNames[3] = {"task0", "task1", "task2"};
    for (int i = 0, i < 3, ++i)
            pid_t pid = fork()
            if (pid) //
                sleep(1); // wait a little before going through another fork.

        } else { // child process
            RT_TASK _t;
            rt_task_shadow(&_t, taskNames[i], 50, 0);
            rt_printf("Success creating task %s", taskNames[i]);
            sleep(15);        /* placeholder, should do real-time stuff
   here, then end process. */


    // Only "main" process goes here.

    RT_TASK _t;
    for (int i = 0, i < 3, ++i)
        int ret = rt_task_bind(&t, taskNames[i], TM_NONBLOCK); // <== HERE. TM_NONBLOCK, TM_INFINITE or a time value, changes    nothing.... never goes here.
        if (ret) printf("Error : could not bind task. Error #%d", ret);
        else printf("Bind to task %s done.", taskNames[i]);
    /* Do stuff here on the binded tasks */



Are you using the --shared-registry and --session=foo switches when you run your program?  I don't believe there's any other way to get the registry (which is needed to register your task names so that rt_task_bind() can find them) shared across processes. The --shared-registry might be a default, but for sure the --session= switch is not a default - it defaults to an "anonymous session" which means that every process has its own registry - shared with nobody.

Also, calling fork() might be part of the problem, and if you're having rt_task_bind() problems then you definitely need to be checking the return code from your rt_task_shadow() calls.  Part of what happens there is putting the task name into the registry, so if that fails, your rt_task_bind() call will also have problems. Why it is hanging instead of returning -EAGAIN when you're using TM_NONBLOCK and the task doesn't exist, I don't know.

What you're attempting to do here does work if you:

1) disable auto-init using xeno-config --no-auto-init in your build flags

2) call xenomai_init() explicitly in the child processes before you call rt_task_shadow()

3) don't call xenomai_init() in the parent task until *after* you have fork()'ed the child processes

I made a copy of your program and modified it to use the no-auto-init option on the xeno-config invocation, attached.


-------------- next part --------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <alchemy/task.h>
#include <alchemy/timer.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <xenomai/init.h>

* make sure everybody is in the same session and that
* we have registry sharing.
int do_xeno_init(void)  {
   char *args[] = {
   } ;
   char **argv = args ;
   int argc = (sizeof args/sizeof args[0])-1 ; /* exclude NULL */

   xenomai_init(&argc,(char * const **)&argv) ;
#define XENO_INIT()     do_xeno_init()

int main (int argc, char **argv)

   static char* taskNames[3] = {"task0", "task1", "task2"};

   setvbuf(stdout,NULL,_IOLBF,4096) ;

   for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
           pid_t pid = fork() ;

           if (pid < 0)  {
               perror("fork") ;
               continue ;
           else if (pid)        // fork OK, we're parent
               //sleep(1); // wait a little before going through another fork.
           } else { // child process
               RT_TASK _t;
               int ret = 0 ;

               printf("calling xenomai_init()\n") ;
               XENO_INIT() ;
               rt_printf("process for %s running, pid %lu\n",
                   taskNames[i],getpid()) ;
               ret = rt_task_shadow(&_t, taskNames[i], 50, 0);
               rt_printf("shadow task %s returns %d\n", taskNames[i], ret) ;
               ret = rt_task_sleep(1e9*30) ;
               rt_printf("sleep returned status %d\n",ret) ;


   // Only "main" process goes here.

   printf("launching done, sleeping 5\n") ;
   sleep(5) ;
   printf("resuming, binding...\n") ;

   printf("dumping the registry\n") ;
   system("find /run/xenomai") ;   // see what the registry is looking like

   XENO_INIT() ;

   for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
       RT_TASK _t;
       int ret ;
       printf("binding to %s\n",taskNames[i]) ;
       ret = rt_task_bind(&_t, taskNames[i], TM_NONBLOCK); // <== HERE. TM_NONBLOCK, TM_INFINITE or a time value, changes nothing.... never goes here.
       if (ret) printf("Error : could not bind task. Error #%d\n", ret);
       else printf("Bind to task %s done.\n", taskNames[i]);
   /* Do stuff here on the binded tasks */


Thanks for the information. I did not know exactly what was behind the notion of "xenomai domain".
Things are getting more clear now.
In my actual code I was already looking at rt_task_shadow return value, but got nothing wrong here, that's why I did not put it on the sample code above.

Just launching your code, rt_task_bind() get a return value, that is -11 (=>EWOULDBLOCK, better than infinite blocking I had before..!). However,   system("find /run/xenomai")   returns nothing : "No such file or directory."..! I guess this means I don't have such folder on the computer and thus the xenomai task list cannot be found for rt_task_bind...

Any idea why ..?


My best guess would be "no pshared/registry support in your Xenomai build".

As far as I know, having shared registry support is something you need to specify during your configuration process prior to building Xenomai. You will probably want to look at this excellent document:


specifically section 5.2.1 and --enable-pshared, and --enable-registry.

It's possible your system wasn't generated with the appropriate shared registry support, or that whomever configured the system used a non-standard registry path (meaning find /run/xenomai wouldn't see it), or possibly it *is* the default (/var/run/xenomai) but your system doesn't have /var/run symlinked to /run like my system does (that's a Linux choice more than a Xenomai choice). Also, you'd need to have your Linux kernel configured to support the FUSE filesystem, and if that were generated as a module, have that module loaded before you start any Xenomai programs that need registry access.


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