Philippe Gerum <> writes:

> Jan Holtz via Xenomai <> writes:
>>    Hello,
>>    i am running a xenomai 3 on a SMP cobalt kernel using the alchemy skin.
>>    I have a rt task running in a 10kHz period which has to transfer every
>>    40ms a amount of data (30.000 byte)  to the linux domain task.
>>    At moment i am using a rt_pipe with the file backend on linux side.
>>    In my setup the rt_pipe_write call takes upto 60 microseconds .
>>    Measured using rt_timer_read.
>>    I expected that writing to the pipe is the bottleneck, so i created a
>>    second task and used a queue to push data to this task, which is
>>    feeding the pipe.
>>    The runtime for the rt_queue_write is like the same, which i measured
>>    bevore using the rt_pipe_write.
>>    My questions:
>>    Is the amout of time i need for this action expectable, or may i have
>>    another issue?
>>    Is there a more effective way to communicate/stream data to the linux
>>    task? Are the xddp sockets faster on the xenomai side (i iam correct
>>    the pipe is based on this?)
>>    Hope you have s suggestion or a tip.
> rt_pipe is based on xddp, which involves a user->kernel->user data
> roundtrip via Cobalt's xnpipe mechanism, this is likely what is time
> consuming for the most part. Using xddp should not give you better
> figures.
> rt_queue_write may be costly because it first allocates a buffer to
> write your data to, before queuing it. The allocation + copy ops are
> likely the outstanding ones in the benchmark figures.
> If the implementation allows this, you may want to pre-allocate a number
> of queue buffers using rt_queue_alloc, pushing them to the receiver by
> calling rt_queue_send. That would mimic rt_queue_write, but moving out
> the buffer allocation to a non time-sensitive place. You would simply
> have to manage a free list of pre-allocated buffers.
> Based on the previous optimization, you may want to prep your data in
> place, directly into a pre-allocated buffer if possible. That would save
> you one data copy.

Relaying buffers via a task involves switches from
secondary->primary->secondary mode every 4ms, since I guess that task
has to wait for a ping from the rt task when new data arrives. For this
to happen, the relay has to be done by a non-rt Xenomai task running in
secondary mode which listens to the queue, then pushes the input to the
pipe. Depending on the platform, switching that way might be too costly.

If so, there is also a more aggressive optimization you could do, which
would involve writing a bit of kernel code for adapting the 'proxy'
element present in the EVL core to Cobalt in order to have a mere linux
task waiting for wake up events posted by the Xenomai rt sender. Then,
you could use the lockfree 'tube' mechanism available from libevl to
convey the data bulks, posting a wake up event to the linux task when a
new bulk is available. In that scenario, the rt task can quickly wake up
the linux task without switching to secondary mode once more data is
enqueued, and no relay task is needed - the final consumer would pull
data directly from the 'tube'.

The 'tube' stuff is self-contained in a simple header file, so it should
be directly usable as-is. The driver part (kernel/evl/proxy.c) has more
logic, but there should not be any issue rebasing it on top of RTDM.

See [1] and [2] for more.



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