On 03.08.21 06:31, Chen, Hongzhan wrote:
> Firstly, I found that all smokey tests including RTnet* pass on bare
> metal x86 platform
> but three RTnet* related test items  are skipped on Qemu.  After further
> debug, actually there is
> no supported rtnet device found on Qemu with current network setting
> when xenomai image
> is running over even we already enable all supported rtnet devices on
> xenomai so that
> the test is skipped on qemu.
> After I replace virtio-net-pci with e1000 device like [1] patch ,
> rt_e1000 and rtnet modules
> would be automatically loaded by udevd so that rtnet* test item can go
> on without test skipped issue.

By default, we are only doing loopback tests in smokey, nothing that
requires a real NIC driver to be loaded. These are the modules loaded
during a test with udp:

Module                  Size  Used by
rtudp                  24576  0
rtipv4                 49152  1 rtudp
rt_loopback            16384  1
rtnet                  81920  3 rtipv4,rtudp,rt_loopback

You can set the rtnet_driver and rtnet_interface parameters to switch to
real NICs, but that is not happening during a default xeno-test run.

> But system report error like  [2] because there is late packet.  It
> seems that bad rtnet performance
> with virtual network on Qemu may block our RTnet smokey test?  Any
> Suggestions?

There is open issue
https://gitlab.com/Xenomai/xenomai-hacker-space/-/issues/13 on that.


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