Hi Elena,

At 09.25 01/02/2005 +0100, Elena Andueza wrote:
(Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish.) I'm Elena.
I want to use the API to read from XML documents and use these data in other normal functions (whit normal data types) and I also want to use the API to write normal data types (normal Strings, normal integers...) in XML documents.
I'm following the instructions written in "Programming" in this web page. I put (in Visual c++) " #include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>" and it doesn't run.

In C++, when you write #include <...> you are telling the compiler to look for that file in a list of "include directories"; to specify these, select the Tools | Options menu item and enter the path where Xerces has been placed (e.g. c:\tools\Xerces-c_2.6\include) in the Projects | VC++ Directories | Include files list (if you have Visual C++ .NET 2003) or in the Directories | Include files list (if you have Visual C++ 6.0).
In the same place, select the "Library files" list and add the directory for the Xerces libraries (e.g. c:\tools\Xerces-c_2.6\lib)

I have had to change all the headers of all files included like this " #include ".\xercesc\dom\DOM.hpp" " and like this, I have been able to compile OK. But now I think I have included succesfully the API I put the follow declaration:

DOMDocument* myDocument;

DOMNode* aNode;

DOMText* someText;
and it doesn't understand what i'm telling him (him=the computer). And now I don't have idea what can I do and what can be the problem.

Xerces uses namespaces to avoid conflicts with other libraries; so you either need to fully qualify every type (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument* myDocument;) or enter a XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE declaration at the beginning of every .cpp file.


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