
I'm having problems using XercesDOMParser to parse a document with the
following prolog:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE TCR_Root SYSTEM 'c:/template/TestCaseReport_V1.0.dtd'>

I set up the parser, call parse, and I end up with an exception:

My set up code:

static XercesDOMParser::ValSchemes    gValScheme       =

. . .

String CDOMParser::searchTag(const char* sXmlFile, string sSearchedNode,
string sSearchedAttribute)
    m_sSearchedNodeName = sSearchedNode;
    m_sSearchedAttributeName = sSearchedAttribute;
    m_sReturnSearchTag = "";

    // Initialisation
    gDoNamespaces = true;
    gDoSchema = true;
    gSchemaFullChecking = false;
    gDoCreate = false;

    CXercesInit oXercesInit;

    XercesDOMParser *parser = new XercesDOMParser;

    CDOMTreeErrorReporter *errReporter = new CDOMTreeErrorReporter();

. . .

I've followed xerces through with the MSVC7 debugger, and it would seem
that eventually ReaderMgr::createReader() tries to create an XMLURL using:

XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLCh* const    baseURL
             , const XMLCh* const    relativeURL
             , MemoryManager* const manager)

baseURL == path to the document being parsed
relativeURL == path to the dtd

This constructor calls XMLURL::setURL(const XMLCh* const baseURL, const
XMLCh* const relativeURL)which calls XMLURL::parse(const XMLCh* const
urlText), which throws the exception when it sees urlText is a path.  I've
tried adding 'file://' to the beginning of the path, but that just crashes
at the ':' trying to figure out port numbers. Relative paths don't work as
sometimes the app will be running from a different drive than the dtd is
on.  Besides, even if the dtd is a relative path, I end up with exactly the
same problem later on with the document being parsed, after
LocalFileInputSource takes out the '..'s and puts in the d:\.

I'm really at a loss, and any help would be appreciated.


Adam Read

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