Hi, all

When I run DOMMemTest testcase after build xerces with ICU trascode option, 
DOMMemTest always fails with Segmentation violation. I am not sure this is a 
DOMString bug or ICUTransService.cpp bug. 
According to current investigation, it seems that this is not a DOMString bug, 
since after build xerces with WIN32 transcode option, testingis OK .
It seems that xseces 2.5 have the same bug, so other guys have to build xerces 
with WIN32 transcode. 

I need your help to resolve this issue.
(Perhaps you have konwn this issue, pls tell me solutions? codes?   You konw 
some products are embeded with xerces). 

I have done some actions to try to locate bugs:
Normally, whole testcase carsh right after "// Attr01 " of "// Attr02" blocks.
Since after trancode is changed to WIN32, no crash happen, I suspect codes 
related to ICU trancode.

In addition, I found codes below in in DOmMemtest.cpp:
static char testStr[] = "This is our test string.";

DOMString DOMTestStr = testStr;
* char *roundTripString = DOMTestStr.transcode();
* TASSERT(strcmp(testStr, roundTripString) == 0);
* delete [] roundTripString;

        DOMString domstr2 = DOMString::transcode(testStr);

After I comment out three lines above started with "*", I can whole testcase 
can work.

I feel perhaps functions below or function ucnv_fromUChars called by it has bug:
 bool ICULCPTranscoder::transcode( const XMLCh* const toTranscode
                                    , char* const toFill
                                    , const unsigned int maxChars)

I also found that err's value is -124 after ucnv_fromUChars is called in this 
trancode function

Thanks a lot!


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