Hi folks,
        This has probably been asked before, but I can't seem to access the 
archives of the mail list, and I can't find a reference in any of the FAQs  

Anyway, my question is this:  

I have a method which is being called with a DOM Document, and I need to 
serialize this DOM as XML and send the XML over an RMI connection to a remote 
server.  However from time to time, the remote server is generating a parse 
error for certain input.

I am using an XMLSerializer (with an OutputFormat) to serialize the DOM to a 
String (using a StringWriter), and then sending that string out to the remote 

I suspect that occasionally the DOM I am getting contains characters such as ù 
and ò within the text nodes, and that the XMLSerializer is writing those 
characters to the String without escaping the characters to their entity 

I am using xerces2.2, with the following code:

DOMSource    incomingDOM       = (DOMSource) sources[0];
Document     incomingDoc       = incomingDOM.getNode().getOwnerDocument();
Element      incomingElement   = (Element) incomingDOM.getNode();
String       incomingNamespace = incomingElement.getNamespaceURI();
OutputFormat format            = new OutputFormat(incomingDoc);    //Serialize 


StringWriter  incomingXML = new StringWriter();    //Writer will be a String
XMLSerializer serial      = new XMLSerializer(incomingXML, format);

try {
} catch(Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Serialization exception");

Any pointers would be appreciated....


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