Hi Neeraj,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I had tried this feature.
But I am not sure if continue-on-error is same as
error-recovery. When we continue on error, the parser
does not seem to take the grammar into consideration
and hence generates lots of spurious errors. On error
recovery I would expect the parser to proceed in a
normal fashion. But, you recommend it only at
development time as there are no guarantees on normal
operation of the parser after a recovery and since it
might result in infinite loops. 

For example for the following document framgment:

  <icon >

the content model for small-icon has only #PCDATA. I
would expect the parser to recover by inserting
</small-icon> into the stream before encountering
<large-icon>. But the parser recovers by changing
</icon> to </small-icon>. This results in cascading
spurious errors.

How does the error recovery work? Could you give me
some pointers as to where I can look for it in the
sources? All I could see was that in case of a fatal
error if the feature is set, then the saxexception is
not propagated.

Would appreaciate any suggestions/pointers you can


--- Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> set the following  feature to true.
> You should be completely aware of the fact that
> there is no guarntee 
> that parser will behave in normal fashion after
> encountering fatal 
> error. It is advisable to use this feature only
> during development time 
> and NEVER at the production time. XML document
> should be corrected as 
> the first step. Please read the feature
> documentation [1] for more detail.
> [1] http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/features.html
> Neeraj

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