Title: Message
the Xerces 2.6.2 (latest CVS version) indeed recognizes all schema-mistakes. It works only, if I has both: schema-file and XML-instance.
Are there a way to check only the schema? In some situations XML-Instance doesn't have all elementes, that are defined in the schema.
For these elements the check fails. I tryed with class: SchemaLoader and setting the feature: "...full-schema-checking" to true. But
the SchemaLoader does not recognize my schema-mistakes. Should i write better Java-code, or SchemaLoader is not prepared to
check the schema?
here the example to try on your own:
<xs:complexType name="basis_test_typ">
    <xs:attribute name="V"/>

and my derived type:
<xs:complexType name="derived_test_typ">
          <xs:restriction base="basis_test_typ">
                    <xs:element name="not_allowed_element"/>
"not_allowed_element" is here wrong, and the SchemaLoader should report an error.
Thanks in advance

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