
I am looking for a Java XML parser which supports reading byte offset
information during xml parsing, e.g. in '<foo><bar></bar></foo>', the
parser can report '<bar>' starts from byte 5; and '</bar>' starts from
byte 10 .

I went through standard APIs like DOM, SAX, and XMLPull and cannot find
related APIs. In Sax, the nearest interface is org.xml.sax.Locator. I also
checked Xerces XNI and found the nearest class is
org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLLocator. In either class, only line number and
column number are reported.

However, similar functions are provided in other languages, such as the
"XML_GetCurrentByteIndex" of expat parser (C, perl).

so my question is whether there is a Java XML Parser reporting byte offset
information during parsing, and if not, is there any plan to
implement this feature?

many thanks,

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