Someone asked about this a couple years ago. Here were my responses then 
[1]. Basically SAX doesn't specify where in the stream errors are 
reported, so you can't assume any particular ordering in your code. The 
order you get is dependent on the implementation.


Vinay Murthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/06/2005 07:32:54 AM:

> Hi,
> I was trying to validate a XML document against a XSD using a
> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser with its xmlReader set to
> "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser".
> I did expect the parsing mechanism to proceed as follows for a typical
> element of the kind
> <name>Abcd</name>:
> 1) Upon encountering the start of the element (<name>), the
> ContentHandler's startElement method would get called
> 2) The data contained within the element (Abcd) is then validated
> against the XSD for its type, etc. If an error were to be discovered
> during the validation, the ErrorHandler's "error" method would get
> called.
> 3) And finally, the ContentHandler's endElement method would get
> called upon reaching the end of an element (</name>)
> While the parser follows the behaviour described above for non-empty
> tags, it chooses to behave differently for empty tags.
> For an empty tag of the kind:
> <price></price>
> the parser follows the pattern described above.
> But for an empty tag of the kind
> <discount/>
> I found that the "error" method of the ErrorHandler gets called first,
> followed by the startElement method of the ContentHandler and finally
> the endElement method of the ContentHandler -  clearly a digression
> from the expected behaviour.
> The version of xercesImpl.jar used was 2.6.2 and the jdk version 
> I would want to know if this is an expected behaviour of the parser.
> Appreciate your help,
> Regards
> Vinay
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Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab

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