On Monday 14 February 2005 13:44, Rick Bullotta wrote:
> First of all, I would place those setProperty calls in a static initializer
> so you don't call them each time.  Also, realize that it will always take
> some time the first time you create a factory and/or builder.
> If you run your test "n" times, you should find it much faster on average
> with the system properties set.

Hello Rick,

Yes, I'm actually running the parse 5 times and each time is slightly faster.

However, removing the <!DOCTYPE really speeds things up. Now parsing (after 
creating the Builder) takes anywhere between 6 and 2 ms. So the DOCTYPE is 
really slowing things down. Unfortunately, I can't remove it from the xhtml 
file, because it would be invalid without it.

Is there a function to turn of DOCTYPE interpretation?

Cheers, Jos

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